8th NOVEMBER 2011. Today is an important day of November. My mum's officially 49 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! There is nothing more precious than the gentle ties that bound us together (even you can not read this, I just want to tell da whole world!). Geez~ I miss you so much :(
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"You aren't really 49. Just 21 with 28 years with experience!" |
Huhu.. Just text my mum few hours ago (sorry may saya lmbt wish, sebabnya saya lmbt bangun. huhu.. bkn bermaksud utk jd anak derhaka). Sedihnya bila ada event penting dlm family mesti saya berada jauh drpd mereka, jauh di perantauan. Even my own birthday and my sista birthday. Huhu~ Luckily this year dpt celebrate my dad’s birthday wlupun dgn BIG APPLE donuts sahaja. 'Coz the most important thing is to be near with them, right? Huhu~ I really miss the old time. Every time ada birthday, mesti beli kek, singing a Happy Birthday song, make a wish and then blowing out the candles. Bukan bertujuan untuk memperingati hari tua tetapi untuk meraikan dan menghargai kelahiran seseorang yang berharga di dalam hidup kita. Same like Jesus Christ birthday (Yeah~ Christmas is coming soon. In my X'mas mood ody. Hee n_n ). Totally forgot about the exam. Phewww~ Kk, will continue study now.
Again, Happy Birthday mum! Since there are no words to say how much I wish I was there to rejoice with you, I will only wish you the best of your birthday. I wish you many happy returns of the day, with joy and blessing. You are not old at all (I promise!). God bless you and our family. Love you now, forever and always....
Hp bday to your mum :)
My mum said, thanx tanakwagu :P
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