Thursday, November 17, 2011


hyelow Blogger! hari ni mo post dlm Bahasa Kebangsaan (mungkin ada sedikit western:p) hehehe.. baiklah dengan kuasa yang saya ada sebagai salah seorang penuntut tegar IPG, mengisytiharkan bahawa CUTI AKHIR SEMESTER telah bermula saat detik 11.00 pagi tadi setelah selesai menjawab soalan peperiksaan yang terakhir sehingga ke titisan dakwat pen yang terakhir. Maka dengan itu, tamatlah sudah proses pembelajaran ijazah saya pada tahun kedua semester kedua. Tahun ketiga akan bermula pada tahun hadapan dengan cabaran-cabaran yang lebih menggerunkan dengan bermulanya proses untuk menjadi seorang guru yang sebenar. Apa yang cuba disampaikan disini ialah pada tahun hadapan saya akan memulakan praktikum fasa pertama selama 1 bulan di sekolah. owhyeah! sangat tidak sabar yaa disitu. XD!

yehaaaa! yaa teman-teman, perasaan sungguh gembira yaa pada hari ini kerana pada hari esok akan menaiki pesawat penerbangan AK6123 ke Kota Kinabalu pada jam 1.20 petang. Hello Hello sama KK! Sesampai sahaja di KK akan meneruskan misi utama iaitu ke Restoran McD dan bercadang untuk makan dua ketul burger setelah beberapa "kurun" tidak menjamah hidangan lazat tersebut. Moleklah kiranya agar matlamat tersebut dapat dicapai dengan jayanya. Mohon doa dari rakan-rakan blogger sekalian :PPP ehehehe..

Cuti pada kali ini diharapkan lebih bermakna dan menggembirkan hati jiwa dan raga dengan perancangan-perancanagn rapi tak rapi yang sudah dirancang semenjak dari awal semester ini..

Berikut merupakan "list to do" sepanjang cuti panjanggggg ini :D
1. Movie Marathon (dari Korea2 kepada English dan mungkin Melayu)
2. TV shows Marathon (Family Outing, Running Man & The Walking Dead)
3. Manicure & Pedicure 
4. "Baking cakes" dan membuat puding telur (resepi khas dr Nabil)
5. Karaoke sampai hilang suara (biar sumbang yang penting puas! XP)
6. "Curl" rambut (dan mungkin diluruskan semula. haha)
7. <3 Dating sama BFF (pantai, midnight movie, makan2, BBQ)
8. Makan sepuas hati, sekenyang perut :p (salah satu amalan yang paling penting)
9. Mencat bilik tidur (warna cat masih difikirkan. harap2 termakbul. sudah bosan dgn biru)
10. Krismas Deco bersama Cik LV (berseorangan tahun ini tanpa ditemani oleh si kakak :( 
11. Menonton TV sampai subuh (KBS program adalah wajib!)
12. Memandikan kucing-kucing di rumah 
13. Tidur, Bangun, Makan = Kehidupan bercuti!!

seLamat berCuti kepaDa kawan-kawan IPG :)
Tahun depan kita jumpa Lagi.
Saya akan rindu KAMU gila-gila :P

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Having a Bad day..

First of aLL...

But the truth is...
Today is a B.A.D.D.A.Y for me. Seriously.. :(

you can see when..

argggghhh...this is

By the way, no need to bother.
I will just Thank God for what had happen and ask for His wise guidance.. God is LOVE all the time.
(Jeremiah 33:3 Call to Me and I will answer you 
and I will tell you a great and mighty things, which you do not know)
Thank you so much LIFE.. -_-'

Christmas Spirit arrivaL.. my Christmas spirit already since... last week I guess. ^___^ I wonder why it comes so early this year. haha :P Btw, currently I am listening to this Michael Buble song from his latest Christmas album, entitle Christmas (Baby please come home).
(p/s to MR. ehemm. sa rasa ini lai 2 lagu yg kita dgr that day. Can I have the full album before hoLs?)
 WoW! so FA LA LA LA LA in my room. ngee~ enjoy..

Miss you my baby!

My baby Mico latest pictures.. I've been missing him so much now. Mummy loves you! :D

bLogging time..

Hi guys! I finished my second exam paper today (I mean yesterday) which is for my major course (Science of course -_- SCE 3107 Ecosystem and Biodiversity). The good news is.. the question wasn't too difficult (I guess... is it so?) except for the objective questions. I was like "WTH" with this? perghh~ For the structure and essay part, it was so-so (bolehla.. I manage to answer it aLL with flying colors! wakaka :P). Oya, I finished it earlier than I expected, 30 minutes before 11.10am. XD~(LoL) Actually, "saya malas suda mahu menjawab, sebab dalam fikiran saya mau habis awal, mahu makan *starving to death* and then mahu balik bilik Zzzzz." (last night I slept at 2.00am doing my revision. Kunun :P) 

Anyway, I have another exam paper for my major tomorrow evening (I mean today).. and 2 more papers for the next days. Blogging for a while and will continue study till dawn after this. Phewww~ 

I will blog whenever I have *free time* now. (err, do I really have that free time??)  Coz I'm afraid and  so sure about this, that I'll let my laptop REST IN PEACE during my *coming soon holidays*. Plus the BB line will treat me bad at that time is a fact. So, I'm hoping that I can write more before my long-terms HoLs! :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'll get "you" soon...

owhmaigosh! these singlets are so cute and pretty plus unique! 
the colors are awesome!
Can I have each one of them, now??? (am I dreaming again? -_-)
Nvm, will find them at KK soon.. a.s.a.p
Ngee~ hehehe XD

Friday, November 11, 2011

Triple eLeven (11.11.11) so?

OK, I saw most of people out there talking about this date (11.11.11) which is today. Everyone seems to make a big huha-huha about it.  Most of them post on their FaceBook wall and not forget to mention, also in their blogs. Including me!! haha. :P
What's so special about this date actually? For me... nothing such a huha-huha things. LoL
 maybe the triple eleven makes people so 'excited' about this number.. or maybe because the date is just beautiful, ait? ngee ~

FR. Fundes said "the date (11.11.11) is not important because everyday is a gift from God. But what we do or how we make use of the day determine whether the day is a blessing or not. 11.11.11 is only a date" well, I couldn't agree more. This day will pass just like the other days...

Btw, 20.11.2011 is coming so soon.. and I am very sure that people will talk about this date, again! which is so-so. haha.. and next year will be another day of 12.12.12 naaaa.. 
(a perfect date to get married kan! :P)

Oya, I also found out that 2011 is quite a special year. We have this unusual date which is:

and not only that, if you take the last two digits of the year of your birthday and your age this year, add them and the sum for EVERYONE is 111! wow!
For example. I was born on 89. Current age is 22. So, 89 + 22 = 111. Try yours!
Plus, this year is the year of Money and Wealth. I guess I shouldn't agree with this one.. because I *lost (totally dissapear) lots of lots of lots of money two months ago. huhu.. long-sighhh~

K, that's all for today's date. Bye2 triple eLeven. Will not see you again in the future :P

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean!

Hye you!
Because you know me right? You know me so well. You know everything about me, what hurts me, what surrounds me, what haunts me, you know it all right?
You know what I've been through, going through and will go through, don't you?
You know all my choices and the reason as to why I made them, right?

Listen up here! think what you want when you come and mouth off about how ridiculous, or stupid, or dumb, or crazy or whatever else you want to call, but remember that you don't know half of the story, and I doubt when you're start pointing the fingers, your hands is clean, is it? So...

 Thank you very much!

Wordless Wednesday #6

Only memories left..

At this age, everything is changing.
Day by day we don't notice, 
but just look back over the past year
and you will realize everything has.
People you thought were going to be there forever aren't,
and people you never imagined you'd be speaking to 
are now some of your closest friends.
Life make little sense, 
and the more we grow the less sense it will make.
So make the most of it now, 
before it all changes once again,
because in the near future,
all of this is only going to be memories..

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Sitting here thinking..
of the times you've hurt me
wondering why I still miss you
Maybe it's your eyes
the way they make me feel so good inside
or the way you smile
that makes me feel
that I've never been so happy in my life
It's probably just the way you are
a funny, sweet, caring guy
that every girls dreams of
But all the times you hurt me
I just don't understand
why I still love you
I am not supposed to love you anymore, right?

Mum's Birthday

8th NOVEMBER 2011. Today is an important day of November. My mum's officially 49 years old. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY! There is nothing more precious than the gentle ties that bound us together (even you can not read this, I just want to tell da whole world!). Geez~ I miss you so much :(

"You aren't really 49. Just 21 with 28 years with experience!"

Huhu.. Just text my mum few hours ago (sorry may saya lmbt wish, sebabnya saya lmbt bangun. huhu.. bkn bermaksud utk jd anak derhaka). Sedihnya bila ada event penting dlm family mesti saya berada jauh drpd mereka, jauh di perantauan. Even my own birthday and my sista birthday. Huhu~ Luckily this year dpt celebrate my dad’s birthday wlupun dgn BIG APPLE donuts sahaja. 'Coz the most important thing is to be near with them, right? Huhu~ I really miss the old time. Every time ada birthday, mesti beli kek, singing a Happy Birthday song, make a wish and then blowing out the candles. Bukan bertujuan untuk memperingati hari tua tetapi untuk meraikan dan menghargai kelahiran seseorang yang berharga di dalam hidup kita. Same like Jesus Christ birthday (Yeah~ Christmas is coming soon. In my X'mas mood ody. Hee n_n ). Totally forgot about the exam. Phewww~ Kk, will continue study now. 

Again, Happy Birthday mum! Since there are no words to say how much I wish I was there to rejoice with you, I will only wish you the best of your birthday. I wish you many happy returns of the day, with joy and blessing. You are not old at all (I promise!). God bless you and our family. Love you now, forever and always....

Monday, November 7, 2011

My View My World Contest

I've join a contest. My first contest ever! yehaaaa~ ok, KLIK SINI untuk info tentang contest tersebut sebab anda pun bole join skali dan dapat hadiah kalau menang. I join suka2 jer. hehehehe~ K, semua gambar2 dibawah ni saya ambil semasa mendaki Gunung Kinabalu pada bulan Oktober yang lepas :D

Mt Kinabalu expedition 2011
Menuruni puncak Kinabalu..
Senja di Gunung Kinabalu..

Sunday, November 6, 2011

3 TAGS and it's D N :)

Saya ditag! Saya ditag! Saya telah ditag sebanyak 3 kali! Dengan 3 soalan yang berbeza dan soalan2 tersebut adalah killer question mcm soalan SPM. Haha, kidding! Ok, actually sa telah ditag dlm permainan tag mentag oleh 3 blogger yg berbeza iaitu first from Si mata Sepet, second from MR Homesikeric and lastly from my old-time classmate Leona.. 

Ok, this is the rules of the taggy2 things..
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
2. Answer the question tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tagged the answer.
3. Choose 11 people to tag the post and link them to the post.
4. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.. no tags back K!

Baiklah, untuk tidak melukakan hati ketiga-tiga org blogger yg telah mentag saya, maka saya akan menjawab semua soalan2 dr tag anda, tp dengan syarat (haha! buat syarat sendiri :p) saya tidak akan ikut rules from number 2-4. sebabnya… I’m toooooooo lazy to create a new questions, toooo lazy to tag people in their blog and there is no tags back???. Hurm. yaa dats y… so.. this is just for fun K Fellas!!

11 things about Elvy..

I am a cat lover of course!
*I love foods so much and I can eat FULLBLAST!
I like playing and talking to my pet :)
*I love sunset, sunrise and the cloudy blue sky.
*I heart Travelling and my biggest dream is to travel overseas.
*I don’t talk much.
*I love number 22 :D
*I love when it comes to a Family gathering.
*I am quite a complicated person.
*I am a Zombie Movies geek!
* I dislike decision making. Urgh~
Yea. that's me.. Kk, now further to my first taggy2 questions..

1. If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would u wish for?
2.What is true love?
3.Have you ever had your heart broken?
4.What do people notice about you?
5.What do you like the most about yourself?
6. A TV show you currently addicted to.
7.Your idea of the first perfect date.
8.Your favorite color?
9.The meaning of your blog name
10.Your dream wedding.
11.What are you doing at this moment? 

My answer would be like this…
  1. As what most people wish, I wish that I can turn back time, doing what I should really do, especially spent my precious time with my late grandma.
  2. True love is “unconditional love”. For me Chris Medina (American Idol 10) love story is a true love knows no bounds..
  3.  Many times. :(
  4.  That I am a cat Lover :D
  5.  I love everything about me. Especially my eyelashes yg panjang. Hehe :P
  6.  Family Outing. It is a Korean Family Variety Show. I suggest you to watch this :)
  7.  Holding hands, eating chocolate ice-cream and enjoy a walk together on the beach watching sunset.
  8. 3in1> Blue, white, Black :D
  9. caTTerritory. Cat is my first love. I love all about them and that’s it.
  10. Garden wedding :)
  11. Typing, on9 dan dengar lagu2..

2nd taggy2 things. Question Tagged from Mr.eric-san. Naa, tingu ko jawapan sa.. :P

1.     How are you?
2.    Tell me your most embarrassing moment.
3.    Name one of your Best Friend ever when you’re in High school.
4.    Tell me about your pet.
5.    Recommend me a movie worth watch.
6.    Tell me 3 of your phobia.
7.    Tell me your current life resembling song.
8.    Moon or sun?
9.    What actually do you blog for?
10. Dad pampered or mom’s?
11.  Tell me a cartoon series title you used to watch when you were kid.

My answers are…
  1. Not really fine I guess. Eating overdose. O_o
  2. Most embarrassing moment is when.. too secret to tell you!
  3. Diding a.k.a Moureen :D
  4. Kucing sya ada huruf M di dahi dia, sangat comel, gemuk, kuat main, will follow you anywhere you go, suka main dengan plastik dan feveret dia ialah ikan yg fresh dr laut!
  5.  My Sister’s Keeper (saya rasa ko sda tgk jg ni)
  6. i. Fobia terhadap makhluk seperti giuk, lintah, pacat, maggots dan ular ii. Fobia terhadap kepanasan yang melampau. iii. Fobia dicabut gg!
  7. Secret by One Republic.
  8. Moon :)
  9. Just for fun, to, express my feelings and to share anything that took my interest.
  10. Both of course =D
  11. Power Rangers, Dragon Ball, Doraemon.

For my last taggy2 questions. Naaa..

1.     Why do you blog?
2.    Name a horror movie from your childhood that still scares the shit out of you.
3.    What is the most cliché line from movies you can think about?
4.    What’s your favorite animal?
5.    What will you say if you future-self comes to visit you?
6.    Can you live without internet?
7.    What is the song title you hate the most?
8.    What will your react if Superman crash-landed into your room?
9.    Will you still date your boyfriend/girlfriend if you found out he/she is an 800 years old vampire?
10. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done?
11.  Name a song that makes you LoL so hard.

Elvy’s answers…
  1. Just for fun, to, express my feelings and to share anything that took my interest.
  2. Child’s Play O_o
  3. Errr, can’t think any la. Huhu~
  4. Haha, I bet you know this. Meow2 ^__^
  5. I would say.. “why are you getting chubbier?” :p
  6. Dengan yakin, Yes I can!
  7. Fuck You by Lily Allen.
  8. Surprise and blur blur.. haha :D
  9. Of course I will (my love story will be the continuity of the Twilight series) :P
  10. Mencuri bunga beramai-ramai time primary school. Lepas tu kedapatan dan bertapuk dlm tandas for 10 minutes. Hahaha :P
  11. X ingat tajuk lagu 2, tp yg penting lagu Melayu yg dulu2 punya, lirik dia yg tersangatlah jiwang dan mustahil untuk didengar. LoL! 

Yehaaaa! Done answering all question. Sorry that I didn’t follow the rules. This is the end of the taggy2 question things. TQ berri much tagging me! nxt time I'll follow the rules, coz' it's just for fun right? xoxo

Friday, November 4, 2011

22 littlest things about me :D

<<< Greetings November >>>
Here are some of the things that you may know or know nothing at all about me myself..

1) I have two adorable, playful and cute male cats. My 6 years old cat, PICO (I also call him: Si Bakul, Stunt Killer, Sumo, Possum) and my 1 year old cat, MICO (also call him Si Mamai because he got a letter M on his head)

2) I’m very sensitive, easily touched and easily crying person. It is especially when I see people crying around me. Worst, I can sit and cry with unacceptable reason when I’m unaccompanied. Too melancholic huh? But that’s the truth and it’s nothing can be proud of. 

3) I really love eating! I can eat almost any kind of foods. I got my own principe when it’s come to foods, which is ‘HIDUP UNTUK MAKAN!’ hahah~ :D

4) My dream house is a wooden resort design house which is build on top of the hill..

5) I REALLY ENJOY DRIVING! I mean fast drive like Too Fast Too Furious 5! haha ~ But seriously, I hate traffic jam! I got my first driving license when I was 18 rights after my SPM exams.

6) I like going to the cinema. I mean I love movies! love! love! love! (is anybody don’t like movies? I bet no huh?) Here are my top choices of genre: Comedy, Romance, Horror, and Cartoons. Another thing, I am a Zombie movies geek! 

7) FAMILY is the most valuable gift GOD has given to me. Without them, I will be no one. Mum and dad, the one and only sister.. with our two cats and puppies.. Complete package!

8) One of my biggest dreams is to travel around the world because I heart travelling and the breathtaking moments! I want to visit the beautiful places in the world such as Jeju island in Korea, Grand Canyon of Colorado, pyramids of Egypt and not to forget, DISNEYLAND!

9) I hate BACKSTABBERS n HYPOCRITES! For me they are all two face people. A suitable word for them, POKER FACE! They talk nicely in front of you, but at the back... they stab you hard.

10) I wish to get married one year after my graduation. LOL! But who’s going to be the groom then? After all, I’m still waiting for my mr.RIGHT? maybe he got hit by the truck :PP

11) I heart shopping. I love the smell of new clothes, shoes, sandals, jeans, bla bla bla.. :-P

12) I am a true Roman Catholic follower. I have faith in GOD.  I believe in GOD. I love GOD. And I am proud to be a Christian. I love you JC <3

13) I always wanted a PARSIAN CAT n AMERICAN SHORTHAIR CAT. I plan to buy one or two or three  or more when I get my first salary :D

14) I’m a chocolate addict!  Cadbury, Kinder Bueno n Snickers are my top 3 favourite. Actually I love everything when it comes to Chocolates. Chocolate cakes, chocolate ice-creams, chocolate bar, chocolate drinks, etc chocolates2 things.. =D

15) I never thought that I will involve in education field as my interest more towards on medical such as pharmacy, lab and etc. Huhu~

16) For me all guys are always the same. High level of ego and full of faked promises. 

17) I finish my study at LMC (Labuan Matriculation College) for one year. And it is one of the greatest moments ever in my life. I miss my old friend there. Coner, Mary, Tynie, Omel and Ara. The BFF (they called us the Spice Girl group with the manager. Lol~ )

18) I am a very secretive person because it’s really hard for me to trust people, even my close friend. That’s the truth. So, if u tells me a secret, I’m so sure to keep it very well.

19) I like daydreaming and to imagine. I always start it by the question “what if I.......”

20) I adore nails art colour and I have my own collection too.. I prefer Elianto brand because it is cheap (RM 5.50 each), easy to apply and fast drying.

21) I am addicted to manggo! I can eat them alone with lada+kicap+belacan+garam+gula = sambal belacan. KIK! Sangat sedap sampai menjilat jari! 

22) I fall in love with the sunset as well as the sunrise and the cloudy blue sky since.... I was born into this world. :)  

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