Friday, November 11, 2011

Triple eLeven (11.11.11) so?

OK, I saw most of people out there talking about this date (11.11.11) which is today. Everyone seems to make a big huha-huha about it.  Most of them post on their FaceBook wall and not forget to mention, also in their blogs. Including me!! haha. :P
What's so special about this date actually? For me... nothing such a huha-huha things. LoL
 maybe the triple eleven makes people so 'excited' about this number.. or maybe because the date is just beautiful, ait? ngee ~

FR. Fundes said "the date (11.11.11) is not important because everyday is a gift from God. But what we do or how we make use of the day determine whether the day is a blessing or not. 11.11.11 is only a date" well, I couldn't agree more. This day will pass just like the other days...

Btw, 20.11.2011 is coming so soon.. and I am very sure that people will talk about this date, again! which is so-so. haha.. and next year will be another day of 12.12.12 naaaa.. 
(a perfect date to get married kan! :P)

Oya, I also found out that 2011 is quite a special year. We have this unusual date which is:

and not only that, if you take the last two digits of the year of your birthday and your age this year, add them and the sum for EVERYONE is 111! wow!
For example. I was born on 89. Current age is 22. So, 89 + 22 = 111. Try yours!
Plus, this year is the year of Money and Wealth. I guess I shouldn't agree with this one.. because I *lost (totally dissapear) lots of lots of lots of money two months ago. huhu.. long-sighhh~

K, that's all for today's date. Bye2 triple eLeven. Will not see you again in the future :P


Eric@Boy said...

Well, that's what spesel about today la.. haha (Btw saya lagi duluan post aa 111111 sa LUL

eLValerie said...

It's all about numbers actually~ hahaha, nothing much spesel. LoL
(btw, mimang la ba ko duluan, dats y i said ppl talk abt it in their blog. wakakka)

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