Friday, May 27, 2011

TOP-10 hoLidays pLan

Hello fellas! I am back to blogging~

 Can you feel what I feel? I am feeling so damn excited! Finally exam comes to an end. What a GREAT relief. ahhhh~~ Right now, I’m just waiting for the time to leave this “pathetic” place on earth. I’ll fly to KK this early morning at 8.25am and expected to landing at 9.25am at KKIA. So, KK here I am!! did u miss me? lol. This is what I’ve been waiting for sooooo long. Approximately I’ve been stranded here for almost 1 ½ month since the last time I went home.

What I really really really want to say here is that... I JUST CAN’T WAIT FOR HOLIDAYS!!! Yay! Holiday is one of the most precious moments throughout the year of my life. For this 3 weeks mid sem break, Surely! Definitely! Absolutely! I’m going to spend and enjoy this holiday as much as I can!


So, the lists below are my plans for the coming holiday as I’m way too excited for that moment. Ngeee :P

 Korean, Horror movies, Vampire Diaries season 2, Glee Season 2, etc..

 Gossiping.. Story telling.. Eating.. Late night movies.. Sharing..


McD.. Big Apple.. YOYO.. Chocolates.. seaFoods.. Chicken Soups.. etc..

Clothes, shoes, nail colours.. 3D movies..

 Enjoying the view of  a real worLd..

7.  DATING! 
With Mico and Pico..

Till dawn...

Everywhere, anywhere..

10.          SLEEPING! 
As much as I want..

Naaa.. that's my wishlist plan for the coming holiday. How about you guys?  do share some with me K..
I'll see U guys later at HOME.. ^______^
Till then, byebye Tawau and hellohello KK =D

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rindu itu pahit sebenarnya...

   Selamat pagi dunia! Waktu sekarang hampir menunjukkan jam 3.00am. Wow! Sebenarnya saya x bercadang pun mo post entri untk malam ni, sebab saya masih ada exam paper yang mo dijawab jam 8.30 pagi nanti. Tp akibat daripada tidak dapat tidur walaupun suda dipaksa pura-pura melelapkan mata, so saya terus p buka laptop bila saya RINDU...

   Yaa, hari ni saya mau cakap pasal RINDU. RINDU?  Aduh , mesti kamu cakap saya jiwang ni kan? Hahahha.. sabar saja la aa.. baca saja. Ada orang cakap RINDU itu manis tapi bagi saya RINDU itu pahit. Kenapa dia pahit? Sebab kau buli rindu saja tapi kau tidak akan dapat apa yang kau mahu pada masa dan saat itu. Betul ka tidak? Ini my personal opinion saja la. Sebab bila kita RINDU, kita x akan dapat sentuh, pegang, rasa, hidu dan lihat benda yang kita mahu itu. Kita mungkin hanya dapat berimaginasi dan berkhayal... “Kalau la...’’... “Rindunya...”

   Susah ba ni bila kita suda RINDU. Apalagi kalau yang telampau RINDU. Buat kita terfikir-fikir, terbayang-bayang,  kadang-kadang buat kita stress juga. Orang bilang RINDU tahap ‘GABAN’ la suda tu. heheh.. mesti kmu pernah rasa ni kan? Especially yg ada couple2 tu. Mesti rindu sama dia punya GF/BF kan? CONFIRM! Kepada yang masih single macam saya ni apa la yang patut diRINDU? Hmmphh...

Mari kita check apa yang saya RINDU sekarang...

1.  Benda terpenting yang paling saya rindu mestilah FAMILY di rumah. Saya sangat2 rindu my mummy, daddy and my only sista.. dan yang paling dirindu juga ialah kazenkazen saya yang comel lagi kiut yang juga merangkap sebagai BONZER saya.. Uncleuncle, Auntyaunty, saudara mara dekat dan jauh,, semua saya rindu.. J

   Perkara kedua yang saya rindu ialah RUMAH. Kenapa rumah? Sebab rumahku syurgaku. Di dalam rumah ada banyak bendabenda yang menggembirakan seperti katil kesayangan, tandas dan bilik mandi, dapur rumah, peti sejuk berisi makanan yang banyak, ruang tamu dengan TV yang besar...  wah! Semua isi2 di dalam rumah 2 saya rindu. Ahhaaaa... J

     Saya rindu KUCING saya si MICO dan si PICO! Ini adalah benda yang buat saya check HP harihari untuk scrool down di galeri foto saya. Saya sangat(22x) rindu mau peluk kucing saya, hidu wangian badan dia, kisskiss bulu dia, bawa dia tidur samasama setiap malam, kasi makan dia, kasi mandi dan yang paling saya rindu ialah kasi kawan dia main. yaa! Saya ini memang gila kucing sebenarnya.. HEHEHE J

      Saya rindu p CHURCH di sana ST.AUGUSTINE Kinarut.  Saya rindu sudah misa dia yang dalam Bahasa Kadazan time Sunset mass setiap hari Sabtu jam 6pm. Saya juga rindu mau p sembayang sana Chapel d MONFORT’S. Dekat saja ni chapel sama rumah saya ni. Saya rindu sebab nyanyian lagu-lagu dia best semasa misa terutamanya lagu-lagu Rohani yang BI punya.. J

        Saya rindu DRIVING kereta. Yaa, saya ni wanita yang suka memandu kereta. Walaupun p rumah kazen yang dekat saja pun di kampungkampung mau juga bawa kereta ni. Dasar! Haha.. Rasanya macam lama sudah tidak driving. Sejaksejak elaun habis dan teda fulus untuk sewa kereta, maka saya sangat jarang sudah memandu di Tawau ni. Huhu.. L

        Saya rindu MAKAN MCD punya bugger dan bubur ayam. Maklumlah TAWAU ni.. hurmmm susah mau cakap. Belum ada MCD lg ba! Mau cakap maju pun tp teda MCD? ERRRR... Nothing much to say.. L

 Saya rindu minum YOYO di sana Center Point KK, tingkat dua depan escalator 2. Kalau jalanjalan di CP memang saya tidak termiss la beli 2 minuman. Saya paling craving sama tu perisa chocolate + pearl sekarang! aduh.. rindunya mo minum yang sajuksajuk. Ditambah lagi dengan kerinduan mau makan BIG APPLE pelbagai jenis. Tapuntapun’! L

  Saya rindu makan MANGGA sana Tanjung Aru Beach. Adui,, macam mau meleleh sudah air liur saya bila teringat pasal mangga ni. Sebab saya ni antara penggemar mangga yang tegar. Biasanya weekend saya spent time petangpetang p Tanjung Aru ambil angin. Disamping itu membeli dan makan mangga cicah belacan + kacang tanah rebus + jagung rebus + air tebu sambil2 tingutingu matahari terbenam. Gosh! I really miss those feelings. Huhu..  Lagi satu saya rindu ialah makan ABC special dia yang ada aiskrim dan buah-buahan di atas. Adui.. Berliur sudah ni. L

     Saya rindu tingu WAYANG di panggung wayang! Lama sudah tidak menjejakkan kaki ke panggung wayang ni. Banyak sudah ketinggalan muvee yang latest dan bestbest. Bukan juga di Tawau ni teda panggung wayang tapi mahal betul ba harga tiket dia. RM9??! Lagi pula 2 teda student rate. Kalau tingu wayang d KK , RM5 PUN CUKUP SUDAH TAU! Duit selebihnya tu buli guna untuk beli pop corn sama cheesy sausage sudah. Kalu tidak pun tukar tu duit p token dan main game sana Funsquare!. Hebat kan!haha
            Saya rindu temanteman, sahabatsahabat, kawankawan saya yang paling baik. Saya rindu mau tingu muka dorang, mau tau perkembangan terkini sama ada mereka semakin gumuk atau kurus dari saya, ada yang sudah break sama BF ka belum, rindu hot gossiping, etc... NGEEE J

Naaa... itulah antara top ten list perkaraperkara yang saya rindu sekarang ni. Banyak juga pula kan? Saya yakin! kalau kamu buat list kamu sendiri, mesti lagi banyak dari saya punya ni kan? Hehehe.. Sebenarnya banyak lagi bendabenda lain yang saya rindu ni, tapi saya simpan dalam hati saja la. Buat renungan sendirisendiri. Rindu itu sebenarnya memang pahit tapi indah (eLvy, 2011)

Terima kasih kerana RINDU dan sudi membaca J nyte oLs <3

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Singgah sekejap ba..

Good afternoon world! Selamat tengah hari dunia! Kopisanangan do 

P/s: Entri ini ada unsur2 bahasa baku, bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris

Sebelum baca senyum2 dulu ba, takkan serius?? :P

Hohoho, lama tidak mengupdate belogg ku yg kebaruan lg ini! Sebab demam exam yang menghantui siang malam, so sa x mud mo mencarut d cni. Jd sa akan mengambil masa selama 30 minit saja dlm proses mengupdate belog ini.
Yesss!! Sa bru saja mendaftar sebagai ahli WSB ( WE ARE SABAHAN BLOGGERMANIA). Mcm sakai ni ba! Hahahha~Truss mendapat kunjungan2 istimewa daripada blogger2 Sabahan yg memang kik pnya la! Trimasss2! sudi juga kmu jalan2 di blog sa ni aa.. ehe :P I’ll pay a visit on your blog sejurus selepas sa abes exam pd 26 MEI 2011 nnti k. Do remind me that date!

Oya, kpd yg msh belum mengenali diri ini, (cewah, yakin!) mesti kmu tertanya2 exam apa yg sa mo ambil ni kan? Well, skrg ni sa sdg mengikuti Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Semester 3 Tahun ke-2 di IPG Kampus Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia. Yaa, saya adalah seorang bakal cikgu! Cikgu apa? Cikgu sains! Sbb major dlm sains dan minor pula BI dan juga PJ.. hurmmm.. knapa sa buli masuk smpai IPG ni? K..K.. nnti sa cerita dlm entri akan dtg kio.

Bisuk sa ada exam Pengurusan Bilik Darjah dan Tingkah Laku, kod EDU3104. Sa bru hbs blajar half. Ada half lg mo cover. Tiapa2, sa masih buli rileks2 and cool2 lg ni (trip2 hebat!). Strategi sa SENANG SAJA, yg penting fokus sama soalan esei dan struktur. Hahaha~ kik kan! Ba, bsk terpaksa bgn awal ni sbb exam start jam 8.30am smpai jam 11am! Gosh!! Kununnya sa bercadang mo keluar awal exam bsk (klu mampu) disebabkan kondisi kesihatan sa yg blum brapa stabil ni.
*x mo kena aircond lama2* sbb ada 4 paper lg next week. Huhuhu~

Naaa, ini jadual exam sa untuk sem ni. KIK!  
Ada 5 paper ok~ *longggg sighhhhh*

Ini pula kondisi meja study sa semasa sdg khatam subjek FIZIK. (I know it's a lil bit messy huh? ignore~ ignore~)
 Perkara penting semasa revision mesti ada makanan dan juga lagu2. 
(coz I'm addicted to foods and musics.. ngeee~ :P)

B4 start study sa sempat menjamah kek blackforest ini. Makanan mmg tidak akan dpt lari dr hidup saya. heheh XD! 

Pa2 pun, c yaa’ll after exams aa J
Kpd belogger2 yg juga menduduki exam, good luck aa! Semasa m’jwb 2, jan kamu cuba2, try2, test2 meniru org d sblah atau d depan. Nnti kedapatan, repeat paper o.. haha J

Ba, smpai jumpa lg, adios..

 Lotsa lurve~d caTLover~

Saturday, May 14, 2011


One day when you’re happy with
Your life and just enjoying it..

You receive one unexpected text...

Maybe by this time you’ve already
Forgotten his number or maybe not..

And it will be 'HIM', wanting to 'TALK'..

Wait, hold up...
Remember all those tears you shed, while he shed none...

Remember all those melodramatic pick up lines..
Remember the hurts..

Look at how happy you are now..

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

P/S: We can fall for anyone who treats us
     special but make sure, at the end we 
     know our way home to the one who treats 
     us as their life. (peringatan utk diri 
     sendiri dan sesama kita. PEACE!)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I’m sick to death!

I am feeling so sick. I mean, SO DAMN SICK! I think I got fever (feeling hot and cold), bad headache ( I end up eating 2 pills of Actifast Panadol this morning), flu (flooding mucous in my nose), sore throat (a really bad wet cough! itchy, irritating, bad condition).

Gosh! These conditions really make me feel so bad. It is so irritating to have and even more frustrating condition to get rid of it. It disrupts my night’s sleep, my daily activities, my work, my revision week and cause poor quality of my life. I think it all started three days ago, so sudden and unpredictable! SHIT!! I am very sure this tragic illness is caused by bacterial infection. it because of my immune system which is not functioning well?  Worst, I don’t have any medicine to treat this illness, (4LIFE=OUT OF STOCK, ‘ubat batuk’=out of stock, COOL FEVER=dun have any, antibiotics=dun have any!) only got Vitamin C??? DAMN!!!!

::: or maybe i need DR. GREGORY HOUSE in da house :::

I might be glad to say that this semester is the worst semester ever. Never felt like this before, sick to death. This headache had killing me softly. I really really really wanted to study and revise. But I can’t focus for even a minute. As I open up my book and start to read, everything goes away around me. All that I can see is the letters dancing happily. Am I crazy? Am I sick enough? I am so sick of being sick! I try to control my body to ignore this pain but I just can’t. At the end, I ended up lying down on my bed by hoping that everything goes well after I wake up. But these condition of mine getting worst!. Gosh, I am starving now. Craving for my mum’s cook. I WANTED TO GO HOME SO BADLY. 
Home+sick=homesick again!

Mum, I really need you by my side right now. T_T

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Lazy, MAL-ASS, Unmotivated, LOST..

Hola! buenas tardes!

MAL-ASS.. MAL-ASS..MAL-ASS. I am SO SO SO not in the mood now. Urggggghhhh! Persoalannya kenapa saya malas???? Wanna know, then ask BRUNO MARS ‘coz he knows everything about lazy things.. bla, bla, bla.. perghhh! This week SUPPOSEDLY (kunun) to be a study week and next week is going to be our final exam for this semester. GOSH! I need to cover 5 papers this sem. WATTAA!! Kik la! Worse, during our study week, we cannot stay in our room! You must and you have to make yourself visible at 'BLOK AKADEMIK' or at d 'LIBRARY'. DARN!!~ How to study leh????  To make it even worst, this Sem I have to sit for PHYSIC paper which is at the very bottom list of my favourite subject. Formulas, electric circuits, calculating, bla.. bla.. bla.. I hate all those things!!. If I were given two choices, definitely I will choose Biology and Chemistry rather than Physic. Oh my! (I’m sorry miss, I like you but I not this subject. That’s the truth!)

Until the second day of our study week, I haven’t covered anything yet. What I really mean, the input is ZERO!!! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0... perghhh!! Wattta!! I think I’ve lost my path, I’ve lost my spirit, I lost hope, unmotivated. Gosh!
 *what the hell am I doing!!??*

I REALLY NEED MY SPIRIT! I REALLY(22X) NEED IT BACK.. GOD, PLEASE HELP ME TO OVERCOME THIS CRICTICAL SITUATION OF MINE. I know You have what I need, I can’t but You can, I am weak but You are strong, I don’t understand but You do! Please.... T_T

Friday, May 6, 2011

My sister, my sibling (Sista VS Sista)

For tonight entriiiiii, I want to share with you a story about my sister, my only sibling in this whole universe.. Her name is ELSIE VIVIAN ALEXANDER. She is 2 year older than me which mean she's 24.. Right now, she's studying at UITM Sarawak and will be graduate next year 
(I guess) :P 

Elsie is one of the craziest person I have ever met. She likes to laugh out loud n I think she have this sum kind of laughing disorder. No one can stop her when the laughing begins. 
I TOLD U!!! anyone who knows her will agree this! (kalau kadazan kami panggil togirakon) hahahhaah :P 
Some of her other best qualities are: her sense of humor, her free spirit and her love for the LORD. 

Although we have some arguments and fights sumtimes, (biasa la tu klu adi-bradi begaduh kan), little moments like these have bridged us close together and because we are sister by blood she has a strong influence over me. (Bak kata pepatah Melayu, air dicencang tak akan putus)

"No two people are exactly the same"..... someone wrote. there is no doubt that this statement is true; for my sister and I share many similar characteristic but also have some differences. Perhaps the most obvious similarity would be in the area of interest, talent, personal quality, social activities, education and discipline...

Some of the similarities that can be detected from my GPS DATA are:
* Both of us adore cats so damn very much! (kami pernah bergaduh semata-mata kerana berebut seekor   berebut kucing. Stupid things!)

* Both of us under the PISCES horoscope (well, no 
  wonder perangai 2x5=10, dua2 pun gunsoding! lol:P)

* Both of us suka makan MANGGA! (kami juga pernah 
  berebut mangga di pokok. n nw I realize that was a stupid reason to start an argument!)

* Both of us love nail colours! we have our own collection ba! heheh :p

* We like driving!  (sentiasa menjadi supir si MUMMY. hehe :P)

So, the differences would be in physical appearance and favourite colour i guess..
* I like blue but she like GO GREEN!

* my sister is a lil bit taller than me..  her hands and fingers are bigger than mine.
  (sbb tgn dia lg besar dan kuat mcm tgn lelaki. lawan mipulos kompom kalah!)

* She likes to keep a long NAIL! n she will ensure it is long enough ok! I bet she cant live
  without it. watta! yaa! I call her WITCH a.k.a AHLI SIHIR! hoho :P

* Her hair is longer than mine after I cut my hair short.
  (tp b4 this rmbt sya memang sentiasa pnjg dr dia. hahahahah :p)

* My sister is a simple person when its come to dressing, she likes to wear T-shirt @ baby-T and jeans while I prefer more feminine (kunun)

* She is a good netball player!

* But waittt.... we have one similarity in this area! both of us have same feet size (7/8)
  (advantages dia: buli pinjam2 kasut, sandal, heels n selipar terutamanya)...

well, that's a short story about my sister...  this is my first tribute to her..  and no matter what happen, SHE will always be my one and only sister in this WORLD!!. XOXO!

::: Si pencinta kucing :::

::: Last christmas, (2009) :::

::: With our  most adorable cuzzy @ bonzer :::

::: sister vs sister :::

              ::: Christmas Eve, (2009) :::

::: 2007 picta :::

::: Holiday, 2010:::

::: Our crazy moments:::

::: Ahaaaaaaa... :::

::: When we r bored ::

::: LC n her boyfie, Mr. Andy Steve ::: 
( capat2 la kawen kakakku :P )

:::  My beautiful sista :::
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