Sunday, July 31, 2011

1st Year Anniversary

"Happy 1st Year Anniversary of being SINGLE, dear ELVY"

I am glad I come to this journey of life and I appreciate this relationship status so far.. 
I knew I've made the right decision a year ago. By the way, single life isn't too bad but it is terrible to be alone sometimes. Even though I have my precious Family, Cats and Bestfriends by my side, I do hope to have a right one sharing my life and hope that I will not have a chance to write about my 2nd year anniversary of being SINGLE.. *hahaha.l.a.m.e*

 I Still Can Enjoy This LIFE As Much As I wanted It To BE Because LIFE Is too Beautiful To Be Wasted!!!!

Cerita Outing :D

Apa khabar manusia-manusia yang sedang on9? Anda sehat? 

   Yesterday saya outing secara tidak disengajakan. Sebenarnya tidak bercadang pun mau outing sebab musababnya $$$ semakin menipis dan kebetulan baru balik dari Camping yang penat tetapi menggembirakan. Hohoh^^ Tetapi memandangkan sudah berjanji dgn Encik Obiz maka saya keluarlah juga. Dan tujuan utama saya outing sebenarnya utk pergi mencuci GG di klinik AN-NUR. Sebenanrnya ini kali pertama saya pergi mencuci GG selama hayat ini. Hahaha. Jadi, terima kasihlah kpd Encik Obiz kerana sudi membawa saya. Bayaran untuk mencuci GG xla mahal sangat. RM50 jer. JER??? Dan ia memang berbaloi sebab proses ini perlu dilakukan setahun sekali sahaja. Poses mencuci GG adalah singkat, x menyakitkan tetapi ada rasa nyilunyilu sedikit. Dan selepas proses tersebut GG anda terasa ringan dan plak2 di GG serta kotoran degil berjaya dihapuskan. So guys, y don’t you try?

    Sebelum kembali ke IP saya dan kawan-kawan (Encik Obiz, Mr. Sam Winchester, Encik Nabil U pikir la sendiri dan Mr. Fcukrudin) telah singgah di kedai 100 Yen. Barang-barang di kedai tersebut kebanyakkannya berasal dari Negara Matahari Terbit. So, no wonder nama kedai dia 100 Yen kan? Di kedai tu sekali lagi saya telah membazirkan duit saya sebanyak RM23. AGAIN!! Le~sighing.. Saya telah membeli benda2 comel ni yang saya rasa memang tidak penting pun tetapi saya ingin memilikinya!!

Taadaaa!!! Earphone versi Angry Birds. Saya rasa earphone ni tersangatlah comel *persoalannya, comel ker??* dan jarang2 ditemui. So, tanpa rasa ragu2 segan dan silu terus membelinya. 

     Ni 2nd stuff yang saya beli. Hp holder versi Angry Birds. Harga dia RM8. Beliau adalah musuh si Angry Birds, MR. GREEN PIGGY. Dia antara yang tercomel di kedai tu, so saya beli dia dulu. (Angry Birds)2 yang lain akan dibeli kemudian dan dijadikan koleksi *walaupun memang x penting!*. Angry Birds *biru, merah, putih, hitam dan kuning*. Ok, RM8x5 = RM40. Ok next week saya beli! @_@ *putih mata! Am I addicted to them now? lol*

Oya, rasanya tidak rugi juga saya outing kelmarin. Kenapa???? 
Setelah sekian lama mengidam makan donut APPLE BESAR yang hanya boleh didapati d KK, akhirnya baru buka branch di Tawau ni. Syukur la nak. MCD bila lagi nak buka??? Sewaktu ke kedai Big Apple kelmarin, punyala ramai org yang beratur. OMG! Kebaruan kali yaa. Walapun donut kegemaran saya habis dijual iaitu Mr.Alien dan Encik Chesse tapi saya tetap bergembira sbb dpt makan donut APPLE BESAR!! Yahuuuu... Weekend yang agak hepi sbb dpt makan BANYAK!! :D 

Sunday, July 24, 2011



I love a boy without a heart, 
                                   I'm nothing but a string in his guitar,
He'll never know that I'm in pain,
I'm waiting for a song that he can't play,
It was beautiful the day we met but now I am not sure, 
It's like a piece of bubblegum, 
Sweeter at first but it don't last that long,
I'm filled with insecurities,
I am fragile.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

From strangers to?

Describe this picture...

Strangers ---->> Friends ---->> Close friends ---->> Crush ---->> Relationship ---->> Heartbroken ---->> Strangers

So, from
* Strangers --->> strangers ?
* Strangers --->> just friends ?
* Strangers --->> happy ending marriage ? said that...

·         Go to and type in your answers to the following questions.
·         Post the first definitions it gives you.

* Got this from Miss Andrea.. hehehe :) *

1. Your name:   Elvy
    Well-composed, generous, loving, attractive

    ~OK, kambang-kambang suda kunun ni idung. Hahahah :P~

2. Your Age: 22
    The age after 21 where you realize you still have another 3 years to get your shit together.

    ~Masi ada 3 taun lg utk kumpul “SHIT”?? lolnya juga~

3. One of your friends: Natasha

   The name Natasha (Russian) means Christmas Day or birthday. It is usually used to portray desirable and enviable female characters in film, literature, etc. Most Natasha's are beautiful. They exude mystery and seduction.

   ~Jingle bell, jingle bell. Haha~ nanti di bagi tau sama si kawan neh. The truth is memang Natasha is a beautiful lady tapi nenek yang gila

4. What should you be doing: Lab report hell

   Lab report hell is a place where university students are sent when they are taking pre-med, double science or engineering degrees, or any combination thereof. Essentially what occurs is that due to a lack of communication between the respective departments the student is  enrolled in, each department assumes its students only have lab work to do for their department, and accordingly assigns a healthy amount of lab work to supplement the  lectures. However, since EACH department does this, it results in the multi-department student being assigned twice to three times as much lab work as is reasonably possible to complete while still enjoying a healthy amount of sleep nightly, let alone any modicum of a 
   personal life.
  The greatest tragedy in being sent to lab report hell is that an otherwise respectable student  is left selfishly regretting their choice not to blow their parent's money on a liberal arts 

  ~mama D oh mama D... you supposed to read this btw. Makanya sa xmau buat 2 report sbb sa mau mendapatkan tidur malam yg berkualiti dan enjoy kehidupan ini sehappy mungkin. hahaha.. c u after BIG!)

5. Last person you talked to: Mummy
 The lovely person who gave birth to me and has and will look after me 4 the rest of her life
 ~Mummy <3 the easiest person to talk with. Change: I will look after you for the rest of my life~

6. Favourite color: Blue
   The hue of the portion of the visible spectrum lying between green and indigo, evoked in a human observer by radiant energy with wavelengths of approximately 420 to 490 nanometers.

   ~kaler-kaler ni pun masuk dlm Fizik sda neh :p~

7. Birthplace: KK
    Ok, cool
   ~KK-Kota Kinabalu, always cool mcm sanaaaaaaaa Ranau :P~

8. One of your nicknames: Vy
   A sweet and innocent angel that deserves attention!

   ~Yaa, sangat perlu!!!~

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Breathe Again

.....I am so falling in love with this song right now.
It's make my heart hurts a little every time I hear this, 
absolutely beautiful and heartfelt.
Music with meaningful lyrics and much more related to my life now I guess.
The best part of this song is the instrumental part right at the very beginning.
And I just can't get enough of the intro music..
...Just listen and let your heart feel...

<3 Breathe Again by Sara Bareilles <3

Car is parked, bags are packed
But what kind of heart doesn't look back
At the comfortable glow from the porch
The one I will still call yours?

All those words came undone
And now I'm not the only one
Facing the ghosts that decide
If the fire inside still burns

All I have, all I need
He's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands
Still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday
I'll breathe again, I'll breathe again

Open up next to you
And my secrets become your truth
And the distance between
That was sheltering me comes in full view

Hang my head, break my heart
Built from all I have torn apart
And my burden to bear
Is a love I can't carry anymore

All I have, all I need
He's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands
Still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday
I'll breathe again

It hurts to be here
I only wanted love from you
It hurts to be here
What am I gonna do?

All I have, all I need
He's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands
Still I'm searching

All I have, all I need
He's the air I would kill to breathe
Holds my love in his hands
And still I'm searching for something
Out of breath, I am left hoping someday

I'll breathe again, I'll breathe again
I'll breathe again, I'll breathe again
I'll breathe again, I'll breathe again

Miss curiosity is waiting...

Hello dunia yang sentiasa dipenuhi dengan setiap kekosongan 
jawapan-jawapan yang perlu diisi.
Umpama tin kosong di tepi jalan raya yang menunggu air hujan untuk memenuhkannya

Dunia ini pelik, sentiasa menimbulkan persoalan-persoalan kepada kita
Kadang–kala persoalan-persoalan tersebut berjaya dijawab
Tetapi kebanyakannya hanya dibiarkan begitu sahaja
Sunyi sepi tanpa jawapan
Entah dimana si pemilik jawapan
Membiarkan persoalan si curiosity terkapai-kapai menunggu jawapan
Menunggu suatu jawapan sama halnya
Dengan menunggu sesuatu yang belum pasti
Menunggu sesuatu yang belum pasti
Membuatkan kita tertanya-tanya
Perasaan tertanya-tanya, perasaan ingin tahu itulah
Yang menyeksa perasaan, jiwa dan raga

Sepanjang hayat saya ini, saya sudah terlalu banyak menunggu
Dan sering tertunggu-tunggu
Perkataan “tunggu” mungkin sudah sebati dalam hidup ini
Dan apabila tiba pada satu tahap
Tunggu dan bosan bersilih ganti
Yaa, bermakna saya telah bosan
Saya akan berhenti di saat itu

Jadi kepada insan-insan di luar sana yang berhasrat untuk buat saya menunggu
Dan tertunggu-tunggu
Kepada sesuatu jawapan yang anda sendiri belum pasti akan kepastiannya
Fill in the blank as soon as possible
Because waiting is really torturing
*just if you ever feel it, then you will know*

Dan kepada setiap persoalan yang mungkin timbul di ruang hati anda
Lebih baik bertanya
Kerana mungkin andaian-andaian anda itu salah??

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Who's gonna fix u?

There’s a story behind every person. 
There’s a reason why they’re the way they are.
They are not just like that because they want to. 
Something in the past created them, 
And it’s not a matter of what can fix it, but who??


<3 February 19 - March 20 <3

Pisces is the twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and it is also the final Sign in the Zodiacal cycle. Hence, this Sign brings together many of the characteristics of the eleven Signs that have come before it. Pisceans, however, are happiest keeping many of these qualities under wraps. These folks are SELFLESS, SPIRITUAL and much focused on their INNER JOURNEY. They also place great weight on what they are feeling. Yes, FEELINGS DEFINE PISCEANS, and it's not uncommon for them to feel their own burdens (and joys) as well as those of others. Many people associate Pisceans with DREAMS and SECRETS, and it's a fair association, since those born under this Sign feel comfortable in an illusory world.

It's a pair of Fish that represents Pisceans, a symbol to suggest that these people ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’ and ‘DON'T MAKE WAVES.’ Both of these labels are true, since Pisceans are FLUID and EASY-GOING. The fact that two fish represent the members of this Sign also speaks to the duality of Pisceans. Pisceans alternate between REALITY and NON-REALITY in keeping with their introspective natures. For this reason, Pisceans can be HARD TO PIN DOWN, prompting some to call them the chameleons of the Zodiac. The Fish are happy to be considered HAZY. That said, they won't stay away for long, since one of their primary goals is to help others. Pisceans are COMPASSIONATE, CHARITABLE and will quickly put the needs of others ahead of their own. It's this kind of self-sacrifice which keeps these folks going.

Pisces is ruled by the Planets Jupiter and Neptune. The pairing of these two heavenly bodies results in some unique energies being directed toward Pisceans. Those born under this Sign are SPIRITUALLY ORIENTED and charitable. They are compassionate, EASILY FEELING ANOTHER’S PAIN. At times, however, Pisceans can have difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy: they tend to get caught up in their dreams and views of how things should be. Many Pisceans also immerse themselves in the ARTS and other CREATIVE PURSUITS as a centering mechanism, and they are quite talented in these areas.

The Element associated with Pisces is WATER. Those born under this Sign easily relate to the EMOTIONAL and UNPREDICTABLE NATURE of this liquid gold. Pisceans feel a great deal, and they also feel misunderstood much of the time. They're NOT QUITE PUSHOVER, but they're certainly SENSITIVE. Yes, they could CRY YOU A RIVER if the circumstances were right. Even so, they revel in their compassionate and imaginative natures and love to cater to others. They can also be quite ROMANTIC, dreaming up delicious treats for their lover. Hopefully, any kindness will be reciprocated, because the Fish can certainly turn blue if they're not. Pisceans are generally GENTLE, EASY-GOING FOLK, who are on the SHY and reticent side.

More relaxation for the Fish comes in the way of sports, specifically water sports. Soothing comfort does come in a world colored in purple and soft white. When it comes to the game of love, Pisceans are CARING and romantic and a MOST CREATIVE MATE!

The great strength of the Pisces-born is their compassionate and charitable nature. These folks love to help others and do so in the most imaginative of ways.

P/S: For more interesting and useful info about this sign.. GO HERE ^^
 'happy reading!'

Monday, July 11, 2011

In diLemma

Every time you pretend to love,
you impoverish yourself more and more.
Love has a great potential to enrich your life.
But if you are just playing a role,
pretending to love,
it's only going to poison you.
Because you are teaching yourself
that it's just a game and slowly
but surely you will lose the capacity to open in love
at the end.

~~ A reminder to myself and people out there ~~

Is it too serious too soon???

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Pergghhhh! I lost my voice again! 2 months in a row? So poor me T_T
Kalau kamu call saya sekarang bolehlah kamu mendengar suara seksiseksa saya yang macam suara orang baru bangun dari tidur. Tetapi sebenanrnya adalah suara orang yang kehilangan suara berharga.

Semua ni salah kilang kelapa sawit di balung (akibat pencemaran asap hitam dari kilang setiap hari) dan juga keadaan ramalan cuaca yang tidak menentu (panas dan hujan + global warming) dengan orang-orang di sekeliling saya yang berpenyakit (bertugas untuk menjangkiti orang2 yang dahulunya sihat seperti saya). 

Apa tidaknya, kalau di rumah betapa saya sihat walafiat dan sejahtera sahaja kehidupan. Tapi bila tiba di tempat "ALICE IN HELLLAND” ini terus berpenyakit in complete package. I mean, fever, flu and cough! Bilakah hendak sihatnya ni?

 Next week ada UB camp lagi. Dan sesungguhnya saya tidak merelakan diri saya untuk pergi kerana ia akan membuang masa (masa tidur petang + masa ganti kuliah), tenaga (pembaziran tenaga ATP yang terpaksa ditukar kepada tenaga ADP) dan juga wang ringgit (bayaran untuk site camp, tempahan dewan, makan, t-shirt UB, etc). Camping yang sepatutnya dibuat di Kg. Luanti Ranau kini telah berpindah ke tempat asal camping dahulu iaitu di Balung River Eco Resort. Feeling excited ke Ranau telah bertukar menjadi mimpi ngeri di Balung. Arggghh.. So pathetic of life.. so lame!
(but this is what we called L.I.F.E kan?)

Ok ok mencarut lebih2 sudah.. besok perlu ke bandar mencari ubat-ubatan terutamanya ubat sakit tekak sebagai persediaan lengkap untuk nightmare camp next week. 
Perlu beradu. Babai dan selamat malam FELLAS!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

WESTLIFE ~ Lebih dari kata-kata

Hye pals!!
Pernah dengar pasal WESTLIFE group??

WESTLIFE ni popular zaman2 saya sekolah rendah dulu. 
Group ni juga popular seangkatan dengan group BACKSTREET BOYS dan juga N'SYNC.

Zaman saya sekolah rendah dulu, boleh dikira saya ni
one of WESTLIFE punya diehard fan la konon.
I got their full albums dalam bentuk kaset.
Karaoke version mereka pun saya ada! hahaha

By the way, saya juga menulis dan mengumpul lirik2 lagu mereka ni.
dan saya ada 3 buah buku lirik lagu WESTLIFE.
Setiap kali ada gambar2 WESTLIFE di majalah saya akan gunting 
dan tampal dalam buku lagu tu juga.
Berita baiknya, buku lagu tu masih selamat tersimpan di bilik sehingga skrg. :)

Perkara yang lebih hebat lagi semasa zaman2 kepopularan WESTLIFE,
 ialah bilik tidur dipenuhi dengan poster2 mereka. 
Kononnya sebagai pembakar semangat untuk study
Kerana memang tidak dinafikan bahawa jejaka2 WESTLIFE ni memang
handsomehandsome belaka.
Al maklumlah kelahiran negara IRELAND kan..
Memang saya cair la dengan kekiutan dan kekacakan muka mereka ni. HOHO :P
Tambahan lagi, suara MARK FEEHILY yang very outstanding,
melts my heart like hot choc~~ wuuuu

Standing at the back, from left: MARK FEEHILY, KIAN EGAN, SHANE FILAN
Sitting in front, from left: BRIAN MCFADDEN (left the group since 2004), NICKY BYRNE

Salah satu lagu WESTLIFE yang paling22 saya minati
 sejak zaman-berzaman ialah lagu ni
Sebenarnya mereka bukanlah penyanyi asal lagu ni, 
Penyanyi asalnya ialah kumpulan rock band EXTREME
tapi dinyanyikan semula oleh WESTLIFE group
yang mana saya rasa jauh lagi best apabila dinyanyikan secara akustik.
Lagu ni masih lagi berkumandang di bilik saya setiap hari.
Liriknya pun sudah dihafal setelah sekian lama.  :P

So, lets press the PLAY button and enjoy yourself! :D

The story behind these song :

The song was describe as a song warning that the phrase "I LOVE YOU" was becoming meaningless. People use it so easily and so lightly that they think you can say that and fix everything, or you can say that and everything is OK. Sometimes you have to do more and you have to show it because there's other ways to say "I LOVE YOU" just like what I did when I sing this song to the person I LOVE <3

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

10 Tanda Kamurang Jatuh Cinta sama si Dia...

P/s: Entri ini mengandungi unsur2 bahasa baku aka Sabahan. Kerjasama anda untuk memahaminya adalah di atas inisiatif anda sendiri :P

Adakah kamu mengalami sindrom-sindrom ini?

Bila kamu bcerita sama dia, kompom struktur dan susunan2 ayat pa lagi tu penggunaan tatabahasa BM memang KAWKAW... ala2 sasterawan Negara yang buli sda menerbitkan Buku Tatabahasa Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Edisi ke-4.

Bila begagar-gagar jak tu talipon mahal touch skrin di poket seluar, NAHHHH mengharap la kunun kamu tu mesej dari si dia.. tau2 si mammy ba memesan suruh beli asam jawa..

Bila kamu belimpas jak sama dia.. tiba2 tu jantung DUPSDAPS DUPSDAPS bedegup kancang ba.. merah2 sda tu pipi macam pakai blusher free.

Klu satu hari jak kamu nda tejumpa dia, mula sda tu muka kamu biut miring2 macam urang kogutan. Murung, berkhayal, asyik2 pikir apala si dia buat skrg.. macam2 lagi la..

Apa lagi klu dia tu rakan kolej atau schoolmate kamu. NAHHH klu ada apa2 event yang berkaitan sama dia contohnya persembahan ka.. NAHH kompom! Kamulah tu kunun urang yang diwajibkan hadir. Tu event mula pukul 7 malam, pukul 12 t’hari sana sda kamu menunggu di dewan macam pengawal keselamatan.

NAHHH.. mula sda tu pandai dingar lagu2 jiwang karat dan sentimental. Paling tida pun 30kali tu perkataan “LOVE” kana sebut dalam tu lagu. Kamu pun mula la sambil tutup mata membayangkan si dia.. adadaaa..

Bila on9 jak Facebook, mula la kamu jadi stalker tu. Kompom wall dia dulu yang kamu pigi round2.. rajin la kunun kamu pigi mengomen dia punya status.. lepas tu tingu2 gambar dia untuk melepaskan rindu..

NAHHH... lagi la klu kamu nampak dia becerita-cerita sama boy/gurl lain, sambil2 dia ketawa2 kesiukan. Mula la sda kamu macam tu giuk kepanasan. Klu buli mau melarikan diri bukan melalui pintu, dari jendela sda ba..telampau kegeraman sda walaupun kamu pura2 tahan hati.

Bila kamurang di rumah pula.. NAHHH mula sda melayang-layang tu pikiran. Time makan pikir dia, tingu TV pun tebayang-bayang muka artist tu muka dia, mandi lagi la sambil tutup2 mata lagi pikir pasal dia. Memang kamu feeling habis la pikir pasal dia ni..
Bila bangun pagi jak buka mata, paling tip-top dalam ingatan dia la tu. Then time mau tidur pun paling last dalam ingatan kamu sebelum tutup mata pun dia juga... NAHHH... itu la dia.

I live by quotes

OMG! Its July already!? Unfortunately, I hate July because it reminds me of all the bad, horrible and worst memories last year.1 year have past, but seems like it is still fresh in my mind. Maybe I should blame my brain as it works better in refreshing bad memories huh?

Ok, Ok! Forget about this crap. The main point of my tonight entry is that I wanted to tell you that I love Inspirational Quotes. For me they are a powerful tool to explain the unexplained things just by saying a word. The quotes speak for themselves.. Whenever I read them, I am inspired to take action and it keeps me to think, reflect myself freely and show me the rules to live this life.

So, here are some of my favourite quotes..

" Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it " 
~Ernest Holmes~ 
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