Saya sudah membuat keputusan itu! I ody chose! ody make that decision!
Tetapi.. persoalannya skrg, adakah keputusan saya ini tepat?
Macam mana kita mahu tahu kalau keputusan kita itu betul atau tidak?
Is there any bench marking for every decision that we make?
How will you know, beyond a shadow of doubt,
that it is the right one?
Hurm. Inilah namanya SAYA! sudah buat keputusan.
Tapi masih tidak pasti dengan keputusan tersebut.
But after 22 years living, I learned..
One day, at some point.. you will figure it out by yourself without realizing
that it was the best decision you have made in your life!
And I guess that time will come to me sooner or later.
And again, WAITING for uncertain things..
"Somewhere along the line of development we discover what we really are, and then we make our real decision for which we are responsible. make that decision primarily for yourself because you can never really live anyone else's life."
-Eleanor Roosevelt-