Thursday, September 29, 2011

No one can replace their place in my heart, even you!

Happy Thursday everyone!!
I'm kinda happy today, errr... not really!
I am totally HAPPY today!!! wehee~ n_n
and why is that??
Yea, I'm going to meet my mum and dad this evening till weekend! 
Can't wait to see them, can't wait to see their face..
<3 Love both of you <3
~Have a safe journey~

The picture of our small but loving family
Saying that... no one can replace their place in my heart, even you!
Thank you mum and dad for the sacrifice that you've made for me.
 <3 xoxo <3

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I rather hear "I don't like you" instead of being ignore.

Girl : Hey!
Boy : Hi!
Girl : What's up..?
Boy : Nothing, you?
Girl : Me too.
Boy : Cool.
Girl : Yeah...
Boy : ........................

~ The end of conversation -_-' ~

Monday, September 26, 2011

Hmph.. Isnin yang Biru ~.~

Hell-o bLoggers! Greetings!!


Monday again.. and its a typical Monday Blues.. bangun pagi, iron baju, gosok GG, mandi, bersiap, going to class, lectures, blablabla.. yaa, itulah rutin harian saya disini. phewww~ betapa gembiranya hidup ini =.=' 

I have a mixed feeling today and it is quite hard to describe by words actually.. Feeling kinda unwell a.k.a uncomfortable a.k.a sick. Yaa, I'm not feeling well today world and I ended up eating Panadols which is sgt membencikan makan ubat ok.. Plus, I need to consume antibiotics 3 times daily *again?! for the sake of my bloody youngest tooth. huhu~ Right now kepala masih pening-pening dan kepeningan ditambah lagi apabila memikirkan masalah *negara (consider peribadi kot) yang tidak habis-habis. Mungkin saya patut bertanding untuk menjadi wakil rakyat N18 Kawang selepas ini. Kenapala saya suka sgt memikirkan banyak hal-hal kehidupan yang berkaitan dan yang tidak berkaitan dengan kehidupan yang kurang menggembirakan ini. Whatthefun. huh?

Btw, terdapat beberapa entiti-entiti asing yg meng'annoying'kan di kala ini dan benda-benda ini sangat menganggu kehidupan singkat saya di dunia. But, why care too much kan? (tetttttt! I do care! perghh~) Kalau terlalu ambil kisah sangat , takde faedahnya pown. So.. yaaa.. begitu lar.. Well, I believe in KARMA and I believe in God's will too. 
Anda buat saya begini, one day perkara yang sama akan berlaku terhadap diri anda. Just wait and see :) So, are you dare?

Hmph.., enough untuk hari Isnin saya yang Biru pd hari ini, will keep on updating my blog when have free time. Minggu ni minggu kokurikulum peringkat IPG Kampus Tawau and its gonna be a busybusybusybody week!. yaaa~ catch up wif you guys later. xoxo :D

Friday, September 16, 2011

Karangan 16 September

Hari ini 16 September 2011.  It’s Friday. First thing first, “ Happy Malaysia Day” to all ONE Malaysian! Bersyukurnya kita masih hidup di bumi Malaysia yang aman damai lagi sentosa ini. Walaupun cukai semakin bertambah tapi kita perlu bersyukur sebab masih dapat makan nasi dan minum milo panas2 (eh, apa kaitan? Hahah..)

 Cepatnya masa berlalu. Skrg sudah pertengahan bulan September. (Seriously??) Ada 5 minggu lagi sebelum cuti pada bulan Oktober. Hati ini sudah gatal sangat mau balik rumah. Kerinduan membuak-buak macam boiling water yang sudah mendidih, padahal baru kembali ke tempat ini 2 minggu yang lalu. Mungkin sebab tempat ini membosankan, jauh di penghujung Borneo, jauh dari bandar, sunyi, terpencil.. dan begitulah rasanya dalam hati ni. Hurmmm...

Pagi tadi bangun awal, seawal jam 6:00am sbb semalam seawal jam 9 lebih sudah sweet dreams di atas katil. Ingatkan mau bangun jam 12:00 midnyt utk buat assignment, rupa2nya lupa cas handfon, alarm clock langsung x berbunyi, biological clock pun gagal berfungsi, akibatnya death sleep sampai pagi. Aduhaiii apalah nasib empunya badan...~ Lepas bangun pg jogging, as a preparation utk mendaki Gunung Kinabalu pada bulan Oktober nanti. Phewwww~ harap2 sampai di puncak gunung buat kali ke-2 dgn jayanya. Hati ini x sabar sudah mau mendaki tp body blum cukup fit dan stamina pun rasanya x sampai 50%. Death~

Selesai sahaja mandi, mencuci kain dan makan terus buat assignment sorang2 di bilik. (Kenapa sorang? sebab xda roommate) boring juga xda roommate ni sebenanrnya. Tapi kadang2 bahagia juga sbb ada own privacy. haha.. Rasa mcm org ‘bodoh’ pula buat assignment sorang2 ni. Sunyinya bilikku, hanya ditemani lagu2 yang berkumandang dr mini laptop Acer. Pasang speaker volume fullblast! Entah jiran sebelah dgr atau tidak. Mesti diorang rasa annoying. Tapi ada ku kesah?? I’m totally extremely boring ba. Weekend mcm ni (upps! today is Friday pula, feels like weekend tho) mesti level kerinduan yang melampau-lampau terhadap hometown yang terchenta. huh~

The view of sunset from our backyard :) 

I am missing my family soooooooooo very very very much!~ dang! I miss my sister yang gila2, my mum yang loving, my dad yang serious and our pets yang naughty tapi cute.. Holiday mcm ni usually petang2 pg jogging di atas bukit depan rumah sambil ditemani oleh our puppies and cat. Sambil jogging, sambil tgk awan nano langit biru dan sunset dr atas bukit. OMG! I just miss the wonderful moments!  I really miss the precious time with them. Kalau x pg jogging pun, mesti skrg sedang lepak2 dgn old time BFF or cuzzies sambil gossiping, eating junk foods and LOL like a crazy person. Hahahaha~ Ishk, menyeksa betul memori-memori gembira ni.

Cuaca hari ini agak mendung, menggamit lagi perasaan rindu kepada kampung halaman. (perggh! ayat tu ba) Macam tau2 ja cuaca ni perasaan mendung di dlm hati. Hurmmmm..  Memang rasa isolated sangat2 la sekarang. Bila tgk kelapa sawit bersusun depan mata, lagi lar.. phewww~ I need a break.. kalau terus melayan perasaan, ada chance untuk masuk list sebagai next patient di Bukit Padang atau Tanjung Rambutan.. Adios~

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Songs will tell

I love hearing a song I never heard before, noticing the lyrics are good, then Google for the artist, the title and next searching for it on You tube. Then I will see exactly what the lyrics say and how much I can relate to it. And yea! I'll enjoy the song so much more if the lyrics have a deep personal meaning in my life. I am not sure with you but in my thoughts, songs bring back a lot of memories from down the years too, whether its bitter or sweet. So relating a song to an event, time or a person especially could mean a lot if you hear the song again in 2, 3, 5 or 10 years time. It'll reminds you of it again.

I always found a great songs and lyrics from the girl in the pictures that I can relate to.

Well, pity you if you don't know her. YES! She is AVRIL RAMONA LAVIGNE. So far, it seems like every words in her songs is talking about my ups and down of life. And that's why I love her from the very beginning when her first album "LET GO" released. Her fourth album, GOODBYE LULLABY just released early this year and a big thanks to Mr. Sam Winchester for the full album! Most of the songs in her latest album was much more personal than the earlier records, with AVRIL describing the album as "more stripped down, deeper and very emotional." Well, I guess she knows what am I feeling right now and that's why she wrote the song all by herself.

Currently listening to these songs from her latest album and for sure 
the lyrics are awesome! you know this feeling? When you realize that you lose somebody.. you lost this person in your heart. Because he/she forgot you. There was no officially Goodbye. Suddenly it feels like you and this person are strangers... hurm.

Saying: "When a girl asks a guy to listen a song, it's because the lyrics are all the words she's afraid to say."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday #2

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is that TOO MUCH to ask?

I'm not in the mood now.  Seriously do! I had a very bad day I guess.. nope! It's not guessing. It's a reality. DAMN! SH!*T! Received a very terrible horrible miserable worst  news just now. It feels like urggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Is that true? If yes, then IT FEELS LIKE I HATE MY LIFE SO MUCH! I HATE THE RISKY DECISION I'VE MADE BEFORE. Life is truly unfair to me. Yes, I am a stupid idiot person for making such a big mistake. HELLO ELVY!!! You are 22 now, why can't you differentiate between the good and the bad one. Now you see the consequences RIGHT??

The only thing I want to do right now is to go HOME. I wanna go home so bad. Yes! I just wanna go home now! Can't someone please stop my pain pathetic life? I wish some one could cure this pain. God, when are you going to stop all these things??? I asked too much already. And this is too much for me. Isn't it enough? Yes, I am a great sinner. Can't find where I am.. Lying here alone in fear..

Is that too much too ask?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Those littlest things...

Hello pals, bloggers, stalkers, anonymous!

Let’s talk about life again! Which is full of mysterious and unexplained things. Live is lived forward yet understood backward. Strange isn’t it? Sometimes we are overwhelmed with the big things happened in our lives. When all these things go right, we are happy and all is well with the world. But sometimes we bypass the little things in life that make us happy. Most of us don’t value them because they are so small, less important and we may overlook them or worse yet, not recognize them at all.

Actually, each moment is an opportunity for another happy moment in our lives even it is the simple little things. Thus my dearest friends, never ever ignore the small littlest things happen in your life. Appreciate those things. Each moment has the potential of earning its special place in our hearts. It is up to each person to find what happiness is to them in their lives. So, this is the small littlest countless things, that can put a smile on my face and make my day!

* My awesome family
*  Family gathering
*  Going to church
* Talk to God
*  My cats
*  Chocolates
*  Delicious foods
*   Weekends
*  Travelling
*   Big Apple
*   Mc Donald
*  Funny pictures
*   Friendly people
*  Painting my toenails
*   Sasau :D
*  Watching a beautiful sunset
*   Hang out
*  Old time best friends
*  Watching Running Man
*  My cousin craziness
*  Waking up late
*   PISMP Science 2010
*  Deep meaningful conversation
*  Mum’s cook
*  New clothes and shoes
*   Sister
*  Cute kids
*  Watching my cats sleep
*   Gifts
*   Receiving a compliment
*   Red wine
*   Wearing cute dresses
*   Crazy dance move
*   Going to cinema
*   Wonderful quotes
*   Chocolates and cheese cake
*   Road trips
*   Walks along the beach
*   Good songs and lyrics
*   Spontaneous jokes
*   Good hair day
*    BBQs
*   Cute text messages
 *   The number 22
*   Taking photos
*   Sound of the rains
*  Friends laugh

“ Thank you Lord, for the littlest things.” They not only get by us, they make life fun to live along the way. I am sure life never forgets to send us big problems all the time. But balance out that big burden by being grateful for those littlest things which make us happy! Cheers for the happy moments in our life!!! 

Friday, September 9, 2011

T.G.I.F. #1

YEAHHHHHH!!! It's Friday bebeh!! T.G.I.F!!
Actually nothing much to say..
I am just trying ***hard to be happy =D
Heeee~ Cheers for the happy person in the world!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Sejak menjadi Blogger semenjak dua tiga menjak ni saya baru tahu ada istilah2 untuk hari2 yang tertentu seperti WORDLESS WEDNESDAY# pada hari Rabu dan untuk hari Khamis pula adalah SPONTANEOUS THURSDAY#.. hari2 lain, adakah juga? errrrr... ada kot nanti buat discover learning for blogger.. hohoho~

Melalui pemerhatian, pengamatan dan hasil temuduga saya bersama dgn ENCIK NI ..... istilah2 tersebut bermaksud..

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY# hanya letak gambar dan biar gambar tersebut yang berbicara  sendiri tanpa ada sebarang kata-kata mahupun ayat. Gambarnya pula sebaik2nya dan sememangnya pun! menggunakan hanya satu gambar sahaja bak kata ENCIK NI JUGA . 
 *But for my previous WORDLESS WEDNESDAY# ada 2 gambar sbb xtau mahu pilih gambar yang mana satu, so masuk sekali dua. hahahha :PPP*

SPONTANEOUS THURSDAY# menulis sebarang ayat-ayat secara spontan yang lahir daripada hati yang ikhlas. Macam best!! 

Soooooo... this is my SPONTANEOUS THURSDAY# for this week...


Ngeeeee ~ :PPPPP 

A message to Heart

Dear heart..
I know I've been hard on you
I am sorry for the things I put you through
Please don't you break on me
I need to make you see
It wasn't meant to be
Give it time
Help me through

We can do this together
You are my soul
I need you now more than ever
Because you will always be inside of me
So keep on hangin' in
And we'll find love again.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



Monday, September 5, 2011

UGLY September!

Is it SEPTEMBER ody??
Lamanya x blogging..
Time goes by so fast kan!!! nope, FASTEST!
Huhu.. just coming back to this "SUX" place on earth, Balung.
Ntahlah kenapa ni hati x pernah jatuh cinta sama ni tempat. 
And I am sooooooo not in the mood as usual.
There's a time when feel like I wanna DIE. Seriously!
*What a damn stupid feeling. dang!*
By the way, beginning bulan September ni not so good for me. Y???
Sebab too many perkara sedih yg berlaku.

First: My cuzzy's grandma passed away.
Second: Someone's leaving. 
Third: I'm leaving my home.
Fourth: Gusi bengkak teruk!
Fifth: No more holiday!!

~hmph......................................long sigh~
Adakah akan berterusan begini? 
TIDAKKKK !!!!!!!
Dear God.. please make my September
Another thing, bulan ni bulan assignments!
Hahahahahah! tahniah ELVY! tidak tidur malam lagi la kau! KotoH!

Sebelum mengakhiri blog awal September saya ni,
cuba, try, test, kinam kamu dengar ni lagu dr 2NE1-Ugly.
Saya terdengar ni lagu time cuti di KBS K-Pop countdown chart.
Then terus falling in love. hoho ^^,

P/s: Nampaknya mula JATUH CINTA dgn artis2 korea :D
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