Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #10

 A man asked what love is?
A 4 year old girl gave this cute reply,
"Love is when you come home and your puppy licks your face after you left him alone all the day" 

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I tried
I am tired

Saya si kucing malas..


Laying on my bed, doing nothing, on9 and staring at the laptop screen.
OMG! I am too lazy tonight, lazy, so lazy.... I mean seriously lazy lazy lazyyyyyyy... 
I lost my track, I lost my motivation..
And SERIOUSLY I need them back...
Aduiiiii, give me some motivation please T_T 
I have a lot, I mean lotsa lotsa work need to be done before the coming holidays, before going to my first practicum...
But now, end up laying.. 
with this uncertainty mixed ups and downs feeling...

tulunggggggggggggg... uwaaaaaaaaaa T_T

Me malas!
Me again!
Me kucing gumuk O_O

Me kuat tidur!
Me juga???!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

2*rd birthday and Ash Wednesday :D

Hello bloggers! first thing first...
Happy 1st Sunday of Lent!
Have a blessed weekends and the coming weekdays!

Last week we went to KayKay for our Program Lawatan Sambil Belajar (PJM Course) 
for 4 days and 3 nights. Phewww~ what a long and tiring journey.
 My very 1st time 13hours in a bus!! -__-'
 Btw, I am glad to be back!
Here I am again... at my "beloved IPG" updating my blog! yehaaa XD!

 Flash back to February 22nd
yeah! It was my 2*rd birthday and it was the beginning of the lent season, Ash Wednesday..

( OMG! I am getting older! uwaaaa~ I miss my super sweet 16!!!!)
(NVM, age is just a number ait? yg penting hati mesti sentiasa awet muda! kihaaa XD!)
Oya, during that day I got the chance to met my mum at her office
and that was the time when I received my greatest bday gift this year!
(after 5 years being apart during my bday..huhu..)
and some extra $$$ of course.hehehe :P
I really miss her now.. I wish I could stay at home but I just couldn't..
Have to wait till next holiday on March.. be patient vay!

Anyway, biggest love and thank you goes to my friends, families and cuzzies for their wishes, birthday songs, hugs, loves, cake and gifts..
I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!
May God Bless You all!
Btw, I am still waiting for my piggy doll to arrive safely in my hand.
Bila boleh dapat aa?? :)

Talking about Ash Wednseday, the nine of us from the Roman Catholics students went to Scared Heart Church KayKay with our striking yellow t-shirt. awwww~
(where people around call us "Harimau Malaya" and "DG workes" akakaka. what a shame LoL:P)
and not to forget with mummy also...
Happy mode! =D

The ashes we receive on our foreheads on Ash Wednesday are the annual reminder of the passage of time and our constant need of repentance. 
Its the chance for us to come clean, to clear the air between us and God,
to repent our sins and to prepare ourselves for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
"Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return"

Wanna take this opportunity wishing my family and friends in Christ,
Have a blessed Lent Season!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Hari Jumaat. Hari bergembira berhujung minggu.
 But I don't feel the same.. I just don't have that feeling ~_~'
Something's bothering me.

Hari ni outing lagi, buang duit, derma duit.. 

Vay.. bila mahu insaf!!!!?????
Refleksi kendiri saya pada hari ini ialah: 
* Manusia tidak harus mempergunakan sesama manusia untuk kebaikan diri mereka.
* Manusia tidak seharusnya hanya menilai daripada luaran diri seseorang sahaja.
* Manusia tidak harus bersikap bikin panas!
Selamat maLam..
Hujan baru sahaja membasahi bumi Balung. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Attacking me again!

Termasuk malam ini, sudah dua kali saya diserang sakit kepala yang teramat sakit.. serangan gastrik? Hmmm, no need to say. Beberapa kali sudah diattack gastrik untuk bulan ni. Sehingga pada suatu hari terpaksa pergi klinik sebab sakitnya x surut2 dari malam sampai ke siang. Walaupun selepas makan? Owh, MA tu cakap bukan sebab tidak makan tetapi tidak ikut jadual makan yang betul. Almaklumlah saya ni makan tidak tentu hari, masa dan waktu. Makan ikut sedap mulut dan nafsu.. Nampaknya salah sudah waktu rembesan jus gaster dalam perut saya ni.. Memang saya perlu set semula jadual makan saya supaya kembali stabil.. 

dan serangan sakit kepala ini? Migraine ? I don't think so. Saya ni jarang2 mendapat serangan sakit kepala sebenarnya. Tapi bila sudah kena.. Naaaa, baru kau tahu betapa tingginya langit, rendahnya bumi, dalamnya lautan. Macam digerudi2 otakmu di dalam. Huhuhu.. adakah saya terlalu banyak berfikir sejak dua menjak ni? atau adakah ini menandakan umur saya semakin meningkat dengan cepatnya?? Mungkin. I really need to eat panadol right now, unfortunately I don’t have any. Totally out of stock. I wish to sleep forever now. Babai....

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #9

The V's day!

P/s : This is going to be yesterday's post actually..

First thing first, Happy Valentine’s day! Happy V’s day to my meowmeow and my beloved daddymummy at home. Also to my super awesome sista! (ehe, lupa sa tag ko d FB :P) also, to my bestfriends (Thanks for all of you wishes, saya akan terus tabah T.T) and forget you not, to someone somewhere far away. Happy V’s day to you! I miss u..

To my beautiful cuzzy, Miss Ailly a.k.a Madam Ailly, Happy Wedding Day!!

May your love last long with Mr. Groom a.ka. Mr Fong.
What a special and lovely date to get married on this day kan!

I wish I could celebrate the day with you all out there, but too sad, I am far away from home right now. huhu~

Back to Feb 14, nothing special happened today I guess. Anyway, I didn’t expect much about this day..
I just don’t feel something special is related to me, but for lovebirds and couples out there, sure you did! Kan??? Kan??
Anyway, Semoga percintaan kamu kekal bahagia selama-lamanya.

YEAA =_='


-poreber aLone-

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pembuat keputusan tegar.

Monday blues, macam besala kan.. Isnin.. Permulaan untuk hari-hari yang seterusnya. Ok, hari ini sa maw cakap pasal "buat keputusan". Sebab hari ni, saya belajar tentang membuat keputusan yang telah dibentangkan semasa kuliah oleh si classmate sa. Walaupun sebenarnya ia lebih kepada membuat keputusan dalam course PJM, tapi memang berkait rapat la sama kehidupan sehari-harian sa juga. Sebenarnya tadi sa x ambil perhatian bila c classmate membentang sbb sa sibuk membaca 'memes' di Sabahan Troll (jahatnya sa) buduuu lawak gila ni..orang Sabah mimang hebat! aisehh.. salute la kpd yg buat 2 'memes'. Sa maw try2 jg kenen tp sa malas. Idea bnyk tp kubur saja la dalam utak. LOL!

creditz goes to Sabahan Troll

OK2 cukup2 lai tu merepek. Berbalik kepada cerita membuat keputusan ni tadi, ada 3 jenis pembuat keputuasan iaitu yang 

Pembuat keputusan refleksif: Ni org yang suka buat keputusan dgn cepat dan pantas. Tutup mata pun dia ble bt keputusan sda.
Cth: Si A bwa si B trn KK, trus c B ckp OK SET mari jln skrg, tanpa tingu2 dia ada duit ka teda mw lepak2 d KK tu. naaa...

Pembuat keputusan reflektif: Ni orang yang ambil masa yang lama apabila buat keputusan. Tunggu ayam berkokok pun blum tau lg klu dia sda bt keputusan ka blum ni.
Cth: si C bwa si D pg dating tingu wayang sana KK, tp si D x pndai bg kata putus mw pg ka x sbb dia blum tanya mama dia ble kluar ka tidak, lps 2 bnyk keja rmh dia mw bt, lg dia x cukup duit maw blanja gulpren dia, trus lama si C tnggu last2 x durang tepigi dating. kasiannn..

Pembuat keputusan konsisten: Ni orang yang buat keputusan secara konsisten, x cepat x juga lama. Sederhana, slow and steady.
Cth: Lu pikir la sendiri...

Jadiiiiii, setelah ditimbang tara saya dapati sa ni pembuat keputuasan yang REFLEKTIF dan bukannya refleksif mahupun konsisten. Biasanya saya akan mengambil masa yang lama untuk membuat keputusan, apalagi kalau keputusan yang tersangatlah penting.Naaa.. akan makan masa berjam-jam, berhari-hari atau berminggu-minggu. Naaa, knapa begitu? sebab sometimes sa akan lupa skjp tu masalah lps tu sambung balik maw pikir keputusan yang perlu dibuat.. dan biasanya sa suka bertanya org (yg ble dipercayai kesahihannya sahaja) samada keputusan sa tu betul atau tidak, lagi satu sa akan fikir setiap consequences (bilang urang putih) bagi setiap kemungkinan keputusan yang akan sa buat tu..
Dan salah satu benda yang selalu mempengaruhi saya semasa membuat keputusan ialah 'EMOSI' dan 'KATA HATI'. Begini lai ni klu insan yang bernama perempuan dan lagi berbintang Pisces..
 Sejujurnya memang susah maw buat keputuasan dalam hidup kan? setakat ni buli kira juga la keputusan "Bodoh" yang saya buat. =_="
Ada di antaranya boleh diselamatkan dan selebihnya ditelan bumi. kasiannnnn.. gmaa..
Dalam masa terdekat ni sa ada 1 keputusan yang sangat penting untuk dibuat. Tetapi masih dalam pertimbangan.  Masih dibicarakan oleh hakim2 di kepala dan hati. atau adakah sa sda buat tu keputusan tanpa sa sedari???? *sebenarnya sa bingung sendiri*

Apa-apa pun saya berserah kepada Lord Jesus Christ sebab hanya Dia yang tahu apa yang saya rasa dan apa Rencana untuk diri saya.

P/s: Minta maaf kalau saya telah buat keputuasan yang salah.pfff ~_~''

marila kita tidur.. malammmm dunia.. 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

That awkward moment... #1


  1. That awkward moment when you say "Goodbye!" to someone but you both walk off in the same direction.
  2. That awkward moment when you don't know whether you should tell someone they have food wedged between their teeth.
  3. That awkward moment when you notice someones zipper is down but you don't want to say anything because you don't have a good excuse for why you were looking that low.
  4. That awkward moment when your friends tell your crush how much you talk about him.
  5. That awkward moment when you try to exit through a closed glass door.
  6. That awkward moment when you pull the push door even though it's clearly signed.
  7. That awkward moment when you have to make up an excuse to not hang out with someone because you'd rather chill at home.
  8. That awkward moment when everyone glares at you because you forgot to put your phone on silent during a lectures (Or on the plane, or in the Cinema!).
  9. That awkward moment when you arrive at the party and see someone else wearing the same dress.
  10. That awkward moment when you're singing Happy Birthday but you don't know the name of the person so you just mumble the name part.
  11. That awkward moment when you try to sneak a photo of someone but the flash goes off.
  12. That awkward moment when you realize you've kept talking after the call dropped out.
  13. That awkward moment when unexpected visitors arrive at 11am and you're still in your PJ's.
  14. That awkward moment when you see someone that looks like someone you know, and you scream their name, and it’s not them.
  15. That awkward moment when it's quiet and you're eating something crunchy.
  16. That awkward moment when you pick up the remote control to answer the phone.
  17. That awkward moment when you change your Facebook status to “single” and your ex 'Likes' it.
  18. That awkward moment when you've accidentally sent a text to the friend you were gossiping about.
  19. That awkward moment when you find yourself in the same room as your ex.
  20. That awkward moment when someone mistakes you for the shop assistant.
  21. That awkward moment when you step out of the shower and then realize there is no towel.
  22. That awkward moment when you are gossiping about someone and they walk up behind you.
  23. That awkward moment when you forgot to end the call on your mobile phone, now your crush knows what you're saying to your friends about them!
  24. That awkward moment when you push on the toilet door thinking no one was inside.
  25. That awkward moment when you see someone coming your way after you've just farted.
  26. That awkward moment when someone walks in while you're changing.
  27. That awkward moment when you confidently say the wrong answer aloud in class.
  28. That awkward moment when someone is doing the dishes and you slowly put another dish in the sink.
  29. The awkward moment when your friends make plans right in front of you, and the plans don't include you.
  30. That awkward moment when your neighbour starts talking to you while you're hanging out your underwear.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday #8



Kadang-kadang lebih baik berdiam diri daripada menjelaskan apa yang kita rasa,
kerana lebih menyakitkan apabila mereka bisa mendengar,
tetapi tidak bisa mengerti..

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