Hello bloggers! Its been a while since the last time we meet, ait? Well, kerjaya sebagai seorang guru pelatih di tahun akhir sememangnya benar-benar membuatkan diri ini sibuk 24 jam 7 hari seminggu. Exam is around the corner and 7th Semester will be over just 2 weeks from now. And here it goes 8th Semester, last sem, last year, FAREWELL! Horrayyyy!
I don't want to mention it, but since idk what to write here, so I will sum up all the things that had happen to me since 3 months ago. and... here it goes!
1. I have completed my 3rd phase practicum at SK. Bukit Quoin, Tawau for 3 months.
2. I have done my Action Research intervention at school and now I don't know how to calculate the data. seriously? Dead meat!
3. I involved in a small car accident which is stupid fate but I'm not gonna regret it.hehe~
4. I thought he was the one, but actually it was a simple mistake.
5. I have found the love of my life and currently in love.
6. I learn how to be a part-time mechanics. I am a new car expert now. ngee~
7. I bought new Samsung smart phone and I'm thinking to upgrade it to S4. hehew~
8. I turn to the age of 2* on Feb 22nd. It feels like... old? teeettt~~
9. I realize that a friend like "you" is a backstabber.
10. I gain few kilos due to my eating habits and now I'm thinking to start dieting again. ==''
Eemmm.. arrrrr.... errrrr.... hurmm.. ba wanna do some *revision for now. Good luck to all my batch-mates for the coming exams. Till we meet again. xoxo!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Sikit-sikit marah, sikit-sikit marah.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Spontaneous Thursday #5
Ok malam ni banyak perkara sa mau mencarut sini. sblm 2 pesanan penaja, I'll use Sabahan slang ah..
untuk kesekian kali ini, rest in peace to my dear handphone, sorry saya kasi tamat nyawa ko tadi pigi ampas di dinding. memandangkan tida dapat antak kepala di dinding jd handphone juga la jadi mangsa kan. ok, bisuk sa pigi beli smartphone! ko tunggu....
bgn2 ja dari tidur tadi ada suatu perasaan yg sangat pelik mucul. rasa mau burst into tears, rasa gerigitan, rasa mau marah, rasa rimas, gelisah.. eiiii, nda tau la apa ungkapan yg paling sesuai lagi. dan ditambah lagi dengan menerima balasan mesej yang bukan2 memang la bikin panas hati! kalau ada orang di depan sa confirm jadi mangsa cubit. huh!
ok next sa mau bagitau satu dunia yg sa tidak akan balik time cuti Chinese New Year ni. Tahniah vay! mcm pertama kali pula tidak blk cuti sejak2 bermastautin di IP ni. bukan bermaksud sa telampau sayang dgn IP tapi cuti hanya 4 hari??? skolah pun tidak apply cuti peristiwa on Wednesday. pg apply pula cuti yg bukan2. heh! mumy pun cakap nda payah la blk, tiket flight mahal. Mummy suruh pigi sembayang sja di sini. emm yala... ok fine la, lgpun tggl brapa bulan ja lagi stay sini, bagus sa menghayati bumi Tawau ni lama2 kan.. kan? kan? lol. ba sa jadi sekuriti guard Wisma Mawar sepanjang 4 hari ni. ada apa2 kecurian atau masalah terus berhubung saja sama sa. wtf. apala mau bt time cuti ni ah.... mau pigi minta angpow sama tauke cina la.. hekhek. joking! I should go watch some movies dan steamboat maybe untuk kasi gumuk badan.
oya, 1 benda lagi mo kasi tau 1 dunia ni, saya makin kurus!!!
F!~ kurus adalah bida dan skeleton. haha, teringat pula time skolah menengah dulu, classmate slalu panggil "skeleton2" sbb telampau slim to the max. berat badan 45kg ja time tu. pui bida! nasib la sejak masuk matrikulasi sa pandai membesar sda. lol. dan sekarang sda turun 3 kg pula dlm masa 3 minggu?? kawan2 pun ckp pipi makin cengkung, badan makin slim, dan seluar pun makin longgar.. mungkin sa perlu borong seluar pelbagai saiz supaya ada masa2 buli pakai time kurus ataupun gemuk. le sighing....
oleh itu di kesempatan ini, sa mau ucap terima kasih sama praktikum dan skolah sk. BQ sbb kasi kurus sa..TQ!
oleh itu di kesempatan ini, sa mau ucap terima kasih sama praktikum dan skolah sk. BQ sbb kasi kurus sa..TQ!
dan... ada satu situasi pelik skrg.. sekali lagi mengalami situasi yang berbeza dan tidak jauh bezanya seperti tahun2 sblm ini.. dan sa yakin situasi ini akan berpanjangan smpai la akhir tahun saya di sini. arggghh, damn! 1 pokok banyak dahan. 1 dahan patah, tumbuh lagi dahan baru. dahan lama buruk, reput tapi tidak mau dibakar. sayang tiada pemetik api. peribahasa yang sa cipta sendiri. hahahaha! terpulang la mau tgk diri ni mcm mana. yg ptg x hipokrit. and I know myself. I drink, but I don't do drugs ok. kadang2 sa sensitif sbb sa ni manusia, ada perasaan. everyone has their own imperfection ba kn..so it depends la kalau mau judging someone. tp jan lupa, anda tidak layak menghakimi melainkan Dia.. bla.. bla.. bla.. mode mencarut..
ok sekian terima kasih! :)
IPG life,
Spontaneous Thursday #,
The side of ignorance
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Falling slowly ~ my FAREWELL year
Currently listening to this song, Falling slowly by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova. I've listen it once before but I totally forget where the sounds came from.
so fortunately today! I found this song while re-watching Family Outing Season 1 during Lee Chun Hee and Park Hae Jin Farewell episode. and yaa... here it goes again.. it tears me up, thinking that this year will be my FAREWELL YEAR after nearly 4 years stranded in this "not-so-lovely-place" of mine. Although I need to make it through for another 1 year (few months left actually..) but I strongly felt that it's going to end up soon.
I mean really soon.
Now is the end of January
November (the end)
Yea, of course this long teaching-learning journey will come to an end. But why is this feeling come to appear so early???
I mean really soon.
Now is the end of January
November (the end)
Yea, of course this long teaching-learning journey will come to an end. But why is this feeling come to appear so early???
sobsob =.=' me was just so sensitive..
so here it is.. I love the lyrics..till then, enjoy :)
IPG life,
Story of a song
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Nothing is eternal
God wants you to know that... everything passes.
Nothing is eternal, even the sun will one day disappear. Remember this simple truth whenever you are suffering, that the suffering too shall pass, and it will become easier to bear.
I believe... with God all things are possible. Amen :)
Everyday is a second chance
happy morning! hey its weekend people! teehee ~ ~ ~
I woke up early this morning, as early as 5 am. Thanks to my biological clock.. yeah!
Btw, I kinda regret for sleep too early last night, maybe I should say sorry to him. I promise to have a call on the phone but... at the end of the day, I lost on the bed dreaming... zzzzzzzz
Today I will full-fill my day with school stuffs.. yeah you know, writing lesson plan for next week class, updating my portfolio, printing, etc... bla bla bla.. =='
being at SK. Bukit Quoin for my third phase of practicum was awesome* mabye..
For the first week it was just Okay*, still trying to adapt myself with the school environment, the teachers are friendly, the foods, hurmmmm *sigh* compared to SK. Kem Kabota, I only gave them 5 out of 10!
oh the kids at school are cute and innocent too. miahaha..
For the first week it was just Okay*, still trying to adapt myself with the school environment, the teachers are friendly, the foods, hurmmmm *sigh* compared to SK. Kem Kabota, I only gave them 5 out of 10!
oh the kids at school are cute and innocent too. miahaha..
"Cikgu, cantik la cikgu, comel la.. cikgu Elizabeth.."
Cikgu Elizabeth? hahaha, class please call me teacher Elvy okay,
Cikgu Elizabeth? hahaha, class please call me teacher Elvy okay,
I thought I had the simplest name on earth =='
and that's it, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND everyone!
IPG life,
Sukasuki kehidupan
Friday, January 4, 2013
It will never be the same
hye kawan...
Once it's gone, you probably won't get it back and if you do,
it will never be the same.
That's a fact!
The side of ignorance
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
They means a lot to me, BONZER :)
mumuk and me :) |
Meg and me again :) |
At Kinabalu National Park :) |
Waiting for the wedding mass at Bundu Tuhan, Ranau. sempat lg. hehe :) |
Noty me, kiko and diding! :) |
Memories remains forever :) |
My two bonzer, I love you! Hugs Hugs Hugs~ C yaa again on March.
Don't forget ah tu promises you've made. BMI~BMI~BMI. xoxo!
Sukasuki kehidupan
Dearest FAMILY, I love you!
Turning 2* next month but right
now I cry like tomorrow is the end of the world.. *crying baby la sampai tua ni! New year is
about start but when I think about leaving my family and rest of the members including
my pets really make me down to earth. Why is this feeling strikes too much ah? Seeing mummy and daddy falling asleep at
the living rooms just now is like I won’t going to see them for another
hundreds years. Damn. I will see them in three months from now ba. but why?
why I can’t endure this too much sad feeling ah? Yes, I couldn't agree more. Family is
the most important thing in my entire life right now. I can’t wait for this
year to end so that I can spend the rest of my life with them before posting
next year. Mum and Dad wait for me OK! I promise I will give both of
you a better life! I promise! And to my
dearest sister, I hope you will find a job that will suit you. I wish you to
have a better life cause you are getting older..hihi~ One more thing, please
treat mummy well ah, she complains something about you lately but I remain in silent, just don’t
want to drown us in tears..
Precious gift from God :) |
Send my regards to the rest of our
family members, I love them so much. Please tell them to pray for me,
especially for my final battle year. I am so nervous to death right now ni. Don’t know
if I can make it to the end or not. Last but not least.. feeds Mico, Possum and Chipii
lots of good foods kio, let them getting fat not you. hehe…
Pray for me, pray for my journey..
Let us keep our faith burning in this Year of Faith. Amen.
I love all of you..
Lots of love, ev <3
Salam damai.. Pernahkah kamu mengalami situasi begini?
Ketika seseorang insan yang hanya akan mencari kita apabila mereka memerlukan kita sahaja. Saya yakin anda pernah mengalaminya. Insan-insan ini akan mencari kita apabila mereka berada dalam kesusahan, berada dalam keseorangan, berada dalam kesulitan, berada dalam kegawatan ekonomi dan sebagainya. Dan ketika itulah insan-insan ini akan berusaha mendapatkan pertolongan dari kita. Bukan maksudnya disini kita tamak atau tidak mahu menolong tetapi jikalau sudah "KACANG LUPAKAN KULIT" adakah kita perlu meneruskan pertolongan tersebut? Bertambah sedih lagi apabila insan-insan ini sudah mengecapi kesenangan lalu terus diam tanpa sepatah ucapan TERIMA KASIH dan hilang tanpa khabar berita. Dimanakah nilainya sebuah PENGHARGAAN? Bukan bermaksud kita ini gilakan pembalasan terhadap pertolongan yang diberi tetapi setidak-tidaknya mereka menghargai nilai usaha yang telah kita lakukan untuk menolong mereka ketika insan-insan ini benar-benar memerlukan kita. Sehinggalah pada suatu hari kesusahan menimpa mereka semula, dan disitulah mereka akan mencari kita semula untuk meminta ehsan pertolongan buat kali kedua, ketiga, keempat, dan lagi?? Saya begitu hairan mengapa sungguh mudah kita dilupakan apabila insan-insan ini sudah mendapat apa yang mereka perlukan tetapi mencari kita semula apabila diperlukan. Dunia oh dunia? Adakah kita ini Teko Ajaib ataupun Poket Doraemon yang penuh dengan rekaan semata-mata??
Mungkin tidak perlu lagi terlalu baik hati melayani insan-insan sebegini. Kurangkan penindasanmu wahai kawan. Jangan suka MEMPERGUNAKAN orang lain untuk manfaat diri sendiri. Jangan lupa, ramai yang tahu.
Pesanan penaja ini adalah peringatan kepada diri sendiri yang sememangnya lemah tertindas dan kepada insan-insan yang tidak sedar-sedarkan diri. Semoga insan-insan ini sedar dengan perbuatan penindasan mereka. Marilah kita memperbaiki diri kita sendiri di tahun yang baru ini.
Sekian, Selamat Tahun Baru 2013!
The side of ignorance
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