Tuesday, May 3, 2011

..::: Elvy's bLog :::..

Hi there!! 

I’m new here as a bloGGer.. I read a few blogs earlier N I found out it was interesting to read n to write anything across your mind. I’ve got to admit that I don’t really understand  why people love blogging. So, I created one, hoping that I will understand its significant later.. yay!!

Within my Blog, I'll share with you my twisted thoughts, feelings and observations about whatever catches my attention regarding Elvy Valerie as a person, her life and so on. I don't expect everyone to agree with my words. My train of thought and way of presenting them to you may be unconventional, 
but then again I've never been one to follow the beaten path. 

Whenever I get something inside my mind is when I'll add something here. So, if you wish to respond to any of my post here, please feel free to do so <3.. by the way, there is no set schedule of my blogging habits, so be sure to check back often! 

~TQ~ huhahuha
A big smile to welcome YOU!

                                                                         ~D catLover~


Anonymous said...

Damn cute!

eLValerie said...

Damn? Cute? hahahaha~ shud i say TQ? =D

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