Sunday, November 6, 2011

3 TAGS and it's D N :)

Saya ditag! Saya ditag! Saya telah ditag sebanyak 3 kali! Dengan 3 soalan yang berbeza dan soalan2 tersebut adalah killer question mcm soalan SPM. Haha, kidding! Ok, actually sa telah ditag dlm permainan tag mentag oleh 3 blogger yg berbeza iaitu first from Si mata Sepet, second from MR Homesikeric and lastly from my old-time classmate Leona.. 

Ok, this is the rules of the taggy2 things..
1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
2. Answer the question tagger set for you in their post and create 11 new questions for the people you tagged the answer.
3. Choose 11 people to tag the post and link them to the post.
4. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.. no tags back K!

Baiklah, untuk tidak melukakan hati ketiga-tiga org blogger yg telah mentag saya, maka saya akan menjawab semua soalan2 dr tag anda, tp dengan syarat (haha! buat syarat sendiri :p) saya tidak akan ikut rules from number 2-4. sebabnya… I’m toooooooo lazy to create a new questions, toooo lazy to tag people in their blog and there is no tags back???. Hurm. yaa dats y… so.. this is just for fun K Fellas!!

11 things about Elvy..

I am a cat lover of course!
*I love foods so much and I can eat FULLBLAST!
I like playing and talking to my pet :)
*I love sunset, sunrise and the cloudy blue sky.
*I heart Travelling and my biggest dream is to travel overseas.
*I don’t talk much.
*I love number 22 :D
*I love when it comes to a Family gathering.
*I am quite a complicated person.
*I am a Zombie Movies geek!
* I dislike decision making. Urgh~
Yea. that's me.. Kk, now further to my first taggy2 questions..

1. If you could wish for anything that would come true, what would u wish for?
2.What is true love?
3.Have you ever had your heart broken?
4.What do people notice about you?
5.What do you like the most about yourself?
6. A TV show you currently addicted to.
7.Your idea of the first perfect date.
8.Your favorite color?
9.The meaning of your blog name
10.Your dream wedding.
11.What are you doing at this moment? 

My answer would be like this…
  1. As what most people wish, I wish that I can turn back time, doing what I should really do, especially spent my precious time with my late grandma.
  2. True love is “unconditional love”. For me Chris Medina (American Idol 10) love story is a true love knows no bounds..
  3.  Many times. :(
  4.  That I am a cat Lover :D
  5.  I love everything about me. Especially my eyelashes yg panjang. Hehe :P
  6.  Family Outing. It is a Korean Family Variety Show. I suggest you to watch this :)
  7.  Holding hands, eating chocolate ice-cream and enjoy a walk together on the beach watching sunset.
  8. 3in1> Blue, white, Black :D
  9. caTTerritory. Cat is my first love. I love all about them and that’s it.
  10. Garden wedding :)
  11. Typing, on9 dan dengar lagu2..

2nd taggy2 things. Question Tagged from Mr.eric-san. Naa, tingu ko jawapan sa.. :P

1.     How are you?
2.    Tell me your most embarrassing moment.
3.    Name one of your Best Friend ever when you’re in High school.
4.    Tell me about your pet.
5.    Recommend me a movie worth watch.
6.    Tell me 3 of your phobia.
7.    Tell me your current life resembling song.
8.    Moon or sun?
9.    What actually do you blog for?
10. Dad pampered or mom’s?
11.  Tell me a cartoon series title you used to watch when you were kid.

My answers are…
  1. Not really fine I guess. Eating overdose. O_o
  2. Most embarrassing moment is when.. too secret to tell you!
  3. Diding a.k.a Moureen :D
  4. Kucing sya ada huruf M di dahi dia, sangat comel, gemuk, kuat main, will follow you anywhere you go, suka main dengan plastik dan feveret dia ialah ikan yg fresh dr laut!
  5.  My Sister’s Keeper (saya rasa ko sda tgk jg ni)
  6. i. Fobia terhadap makhluk seperti giuk, lintah, pacat, maggots dan ular ii. Fobia terhadap kepanasan yang melampau. iii. Fobia dicabut gg!
  7. Secret by One Republic.
  8. Moon :)
  9. Just for fun, to, express my feelings and to share anything that took my interest.
  10. Both of course =D
  11. Power Rangers, Dragon Ball, Doraemon.

For my last taggy2 questions. Naaa..

1.     Why do you blog?
2.    Name a horror movie from your childhood that still scares the shit out of you.
3.    What is the most cliché line from movies you can think about?
4.    What’s your favorite animal?
5.    What will you say if you future-self comes to visit you?
6.    Can you live without internet?
7.    What is the song title you hate the most?
8.    What will your react if Superman crash-landed into your room?
9.    Will you still date your boyfriend/girlfriend if you found out he/she is an 800 years old vampire?
10. What is the most ridiculous thing you’ve ever done?
11.  Name a song that makes you LoL so hard.

Elvy’s answers…
  1. Just for fun, to, express my feelings and to share anything that took my interest.
  2. Child’s Play O_o
  3. Errr, can’t think any la. Huhu~
  4. Haha, I bet you know this. Meow2 ^__^
  5. I would say.. “why are you getting chubbier?” :p
  6. Dengan yakin, Yes I can!
  7. Fuck You by Lily Allen.
  8. Surprise and blur blur.. haha :D
  9. Of course I will (my love story will be the continuity of the Twilight series) :P
  10. Mencuri bunga beramai-ramai time primary school. Lepas tu kedapatan dan bertapuk dlm tandas for 10 minutes. Hahaha :P
  11. X ingat tajuk lagu 2, tp yg penting lagu Melayu yg dulu2 punya, lirik dia yg tersangatlah jiwang dan mustahil untuk didengar. LoL! 

Yehaaaa! Done answering all question. Sorry that I didn’t follow the rules. This is the end of the taggy2 question things. TQ berri much tagging me! nxt time I'll follow the rules, coz' it's just for fun right? xoxo


Eric@Boy said...

hehehehehe :) saya macam blom tengok lagi tu movie.. nanti saya tengok :DDD

Eric@Boy said...

BTW, don't follow rules maksudnya ko x create balik 11 soalan and tag another 11 people? woo~ Thats too sad

eLValerie said...

okai, tgk jan x tgk. muvee 2009 tu.. hehhe, yaa i'm not following the rules. sa malas ba mo pikir soklan2 nya. too sad di kunun? :PP

Amarantha said...

hohoho evay mimang pencinta sejati kusing :3

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