Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spontaneous Thursday #4

Happy Thursday people! 

2 days before weekend! horeyyyyyy~ This is just a short post!  I mean really short :P
Ok, now is 5.15 in the morning and its raining outside since 3.00am... the atmosphere kinda icy. I wish I can hug 'SOMEONE' right now. miaahahha :PPP
After this I will get ready to school! oya, forget to tell u you guys,,,, sekarang saya tengah menjalani praktikum fasa pertama di Sekolah Kebangsaan Inderasabah, Tawau. 

Wish me luck for my forth day! and feel free to visit me there. hahahhaha~ 
Ba,, c yaa in my next post! mwahhhhhh!~ 


Amarantha said...

Gud luck praktikum avay! ^^ kongsi2 la pengalaman aa... hehehehhehe

Amarantha said...

Gud luck praktikum avay! ^^ kongsi2 la pengalaman aa... hehehehhehe

eLValerie said...

hehe, tqvm Luna! bnyk pengalaman ni praktikum.. ko posting sda ka? mengajar d mana???

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